100% custom ARTWORK..
DESIGNED by Kalim Jabari himself..
Look for the LABEL
SD® or "K'in'arrow"® symbols
[one of a kind [SHIRTS,JEANS,HOODIES,etc.]
SkuLL DouBT®. 'S.D'®STOP BY..add me..spread the word..Myspace Codes , Myspace GeneratorsHeyy..THAnX for tha views..i really do appreciate it..
[a lot of things are still under construction]..but uhhh..VIEW my GALLERY..Welcome to SkUlL DouBt®
..click 2 enlarge!!!
Skull Doubt® clothing wouldn't be possible without you.. i enjoy many things in this life..but i really dont feel like listing them..(but) i've been designing clothes since 2001 and drawing since two,i try to find a fashionable medium, while combining cultural, religious, graphic, abstract and urban designs..please view my albums..komment freely..if you would like to PURCHASE your very own customized SKULL DOUBT® items, or book me for photo shoots and fashion shows..please drop me a message...and PASS THE WORD..It is better to live one day the life of a LION;
than to live a thousand years the life of a DOG[/LOVEMYFLASH]...ADD ME...SkuLL DoUBT®..