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About Me

As the world gets darker, certain things shine brighterUnsed was born in the year of 2002. With a moving message, original songs and intense stage show, this powerful acoustic rock trio has quickly risen to the attention of many in a short time. As history fades, elements must come together.Unsed consists of the rev. joey love on lead vocals and guitar, marc on bass, and brandon on drums. Meeting at a moment of divine appointment these three have joined together to begin to produce some of the most unique and stirring music that has come along in quite some time. As a single soul - three produce the sound and presence of a much larger band. In the turning wheel of time, truth is ever rebornUnsed's music and persona is wrapped in a marriage of mystery and truth. More than just another original rock band, Unsed's music packs the force of simplicity, honesty, and genuine passion . Striving to give their audiences more than a good time, Unsed looks to bring their listeners to an experience of their own soul amidst oceans of distraction.
For Booking Email: info@unsed.com

My Interests


Member Since: 11/04/2005
Band Website: www.unsed.com

Influences: Real Live Preacher
Type of Label: Major

My Blog

Unsed is done. Thanks for the fun.

Posted by on Sat, 16 Jan 2010 02:35:00 GMT