R. Crayne profile picture

R. Crayne

my sandwich is so big its gotta compass on it

About Me

my name is ryan crayne i go by alot of nicknames, rickydale, craymen, snuggles, little r and little bear (even though im not little). i go to wayne i play varsity football and track and field. im pretty laid back but also kinda adventurous. i do alot of crazy stupid things because it either makes me laugh or it gets me scared, and i like feeling both. i basiccly just like anything that involves havin fun with cool people
my aim=snowblind1717

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My Interests

football hockey track all athletics jumpin outta my car photoshop design havin crazy complicated handshakes confusing lunch ladies with wierd names for food lifting wieghts turnin music up as loud as possible asking people really rude questions infront of everyone


i like everything


friday night lights all 3 of the saw's taledegga nights deja vu MI3 all of the bond movies hitch war of the world armagedon remember the titans


my tv basiccly stays glued to the discovery channel


all my friends