Willie McRae profile picture

Willie McRae

About Me


I write songs and play gigs. This is my personal page and to be honest isn't used much - check out my music page - http://www.myspace.com/williemcraemusic it is way more interesting.

In my spare time I produce subversive sci-fi erotic superhero radio dramas.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

ALIVE: Malcom Young, Kongar Ol Ondar, Huun Huur Tu, Glen Tipton, KK Downing, Rob Halford, Ian Hill, Angus Young, David Bowie, Tom Waits, Nick Norton DEAD: Bon Scott, Frank Zappa, Ian Rilen, my grandfathers NOT REAL: The Thing, Judy Jetson, Loadar

My Blog

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