My heart's Crying...
IIII Love my PPuuuppppyyyyy!!!
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I cannot be all things to all people BuT I aM eVerYthing to ME!!!
Isn't he soo cute?
so pretty!
any and everything!!!! Love the oldskool early 90's, my 80's rock! 90's rock! todays rock! hip hop r&b... love mariah.. mj love u no matter how crazy u r! 60's 70's.. beatles, billy joel, SOuL music... of course my SloW JAmZ!!! can't forget my Arabic music... Amr Diab, nancy Ajram, Ragheb, Mustafa, WAel kafOuri. HAKEEM- one of my favorites! Wish 2pac, biggie, aaliyah and lisa were still here cuz theres no comparing them to any of the new artists!! Shakira is my girl who teaches me alot of those BEllydancing moves i lOve!!
LOVE the MovIes... appreciate anything that makes me laugh... LOve JIM carrey, .. love the horror ones too... but those r the ones that u have to take someone who u can grab onto!! SANDLOT is one of my all time favorites! Love BEnnY( lol Sheila)!! Ill go see just about any movie! Love them all!
now don't tell me that u've never tried this move bc i know every person, even if u dont know how to dance, KNOWS how to do this!!!!!!
Books... they take you to a different world, a different dimension, to different people and even to different times. They are portals that can allow you to travel to whereever you want to go to escape from reality. In a book, you can reach distances far more imaginable than even in your most vivid dreams.