Well my name is Justin, but have been going by the nickname Pop Tart for a good while now. Have been know to be called a number of different things. Like corn dog, poop fart, pop-a-top, poppy, bobby that was cause they got poppy confused, man I get this one a bunch Jason, big boy, man every time it is something different. I would say that I am a pretty mellow kind of guy who likes to talk to people about all kinds of different things. I mean even some of the most random stuff, seriously I could write a story on some of the weird random shit that comes to my head sometimes. I would have to say also that I am a pretty funny guy, I tend to crack jokes and make people laugh. Just have a pretty well rounded sense of humor and also can be the most off the wall random too. My friends are pretty damn important to me and mean a lot to me. Old cars are a pretty big passion of mine, I like to go to car shows and look at them all. Look at other peoples different ways of crafting and sculpting something new or different that one might not of thought of or seen yet. You can see a lot of different talent at car shows. I haven't had the best of luck with my first old car. It has been Christine to me fucking bitch. So now I have a new old car that I am working on and getting running. A 49' ford Crestline or Crown Victoria, but not sure. Not only old cars are one of my favorite types, but I love all types of cars like drifters, some imports, muscle cars which doesn't really tickle my fancy anymore cause there getting to rich and fancy ass for my taste. Everyone is going bling bling all shiny shine shine Barret Jackson style and I hate it. Also European cars, traditional hot rods, gassers, all kinds of old cars, and also love the pre-runner trucks, buggies, and truggies they're super wicked sweet daddy jones awesome. I would really like to build some type of off-road vehicle like a pre-runner truck or buggy of some sort, but that will be down the road a ways. I like to go out camping with friends in places like El Mirage, red rock, peoples back yards, pretty much anywhere. I like to ride motorcycles. I don't have one though which is a bummer, but that I will again one day too. Just not to long ago I recently started liking fishing and I have been enjoying it. It can be so relaxing just sitting their doing nothing maybe drinking some brews and if you don't catch a fish well at least you can catch a buzz. I like to see cool bands once in a while like Luck of the draw and the Horrorpops they are seriously two of my favorite bands ever. I say that I have always been a kicked back easy to get along with type of guy. My motto has always been "Hey I'm cool with anyone who's cool to me." But if they're not cool with me then FUCK YOU JERK. I like all kinds of people and like to meet new people all the time. So if you ever feel like saying hey whats going on just do so I don't mind. I will most likely say hey whats up back.
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