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I am here for Friends

About Me

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My name's Megan .... I live to hunt and offshore fish, ride four-wheelers, bullshit & waste time with people I love, and pretty much anything outdoors. I love the beach and skimboarding too. Living in Florida, I've got the best of both worlds.
I hunt in South Carolina, Estill if you want specifics. I hunt here in Florida too.....ok and Georgia and Oklahoma. I shoot a Bowtech Equalizer (refuse to follow...) and a Ruger 30-06 . Needless to say, they get the job done.
I just finished my A.A. degree. I'm looking to get into a Medical field of some kind,hopefully surgical technology and get things rollin' career-wise. I'm ready to get my life in gear and stop wasting time. Right now I hold it down at customer service at good ol' Gander Mountain. I love most the people I work with though so it's not a bad gig... haha.


My Interests

I'd like to meet:

The man of my dreams...wait I already have. Besides that, I just met Michael Waddell so I can take him off the list. I'd like to meet a 180 class double drop-tine buck, and a big 'ol grizzly!

I paint my toenails orange & blue during football season :)

5 kids doesn't sound like too many to me

I make midnight runs to wal-mart just to look around

I already have names planned for my future children...middle names as well ;)

I've learned a very valuable lesson about credit cards

If my dogs could talk, Rusty would sound like Sylvester Stallone, and Ruger would sound like Froggie off little rascals

Toby's BBQ is like heaven...or at least pretty close

No matter what happens with the presidential election this year, I think either way, we're screwed

I've got a strange obsession with taking pictures. And LOTS of them

Eventually I believe I'll win the lottery

I have a tredmill, but I use it to hang clothes on, not to run

I'm beginning to accept the fact that girls weren't made to look like the one's in magazines...and I'm ok with that

Carrie Underwood should have a town named after her- or at least a street

If superman was real, he'd resemble Tim Tebow

I can't sing, but I don't let it stop me

I'll buy anything thats two-for-one, even if I don't like it!

I might veer off the road if the deer standing on the edge of it is big enough

Wool gives me goosebumps

Shooting deer with pink arrows HAS to embarass it don't you think?

When I play with kids, I usually end up dirtier than they do

I like the smell of Home Depot & Lowes

I fall asleep watching the outdoor channel...what girl doesn't?

My Blog

Some fun stuff to think about

1. Why does your gynaecologist leave the room when you get undressed? 2. If a person owns a piece of land do they own it all the way down to the core of the earth? 3 . Why can't women put on...
Posted by on Sat, 26 Aug 2006 19:16:00 GMT