working class punk rocker with a lover..just a simple guy, dont complain alot, enjoyin' life every seconds, free thinker but mostly rejecting(even my own opinion, it was like debating with my conscience so i ended up quiet and let it be)..not really into fashion..i just wear whatever is it as long as it fits and messy..t-shirt with my fav bands and my worn out chucks would be nice..yeah nice..what's "cool" anyway? and who'll approve whether you are or not MTV? people? narf! get a life!..i love music, playing music, see people playing music, gigs, fast music, d.i.y thingy..those shits lead my life so much..half inside and whole on the outside..if you know what i mean duh!..i play bass and a little classical guitar..i love song-writing..i could express my feeling about everything in song since i'm bad in composition heh..hell yeah,i do it all the time..even in my sleep..anything could be my subject..politics, war, public drunkness, disobedience, love, humanity etc...enough sez end of my so call "about me" story..i really ain't here 24/7 so hit me sumtime ok?