TILTY profile picture


I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

hey all welcome to my Myspace! if u didnt no already im luke, better none as Tilt due to the last name. Im 20 n from the great land of Dudleeyyy but i am currently studying sports science at coventry uni so livin at a bit of both at the moment! love gettin smashed at the weekend on a gd old bottle of vodka then goin out n to anywhere tht plays good music n ravin till the early hours! its all about the FITH!currently playin footy semi pro for Wilenhall town so i guess thats quite important aswell really! if u wanna no anythin else get in touch i dnt bite!!!

My Interests

Music, football, cars n goin out!!!!

I'd like to meet:

Anyone whos has anythin in common with me and anything remotely interesting to say!!!




fast and furious 1,2 and 3! kill bill 1 and 2! Saw 1,2 and 3! The Rocky series! Man on fire!


Top gear, Hollyoaks, Match of the day!


Max power, Nuts and Zoo is a far as i can stretch!


my mom n dad!

My Blog


TELL ME ABOUT YOURSELF - The SurveyName:luke tiltBirthday:28th juneBirthplace:wordsleyCurrent Location:nethertonEye Color:blueHair Color:brownHeight:6'2Right Handed or Left Handed:left handers all mor...
Posted by TILTY on Wed, 14 Feb 2007 12:17:00 PST