I am in love with hello kitty. I like to go on my computer alot I spend most of my time on it unless i have to work.:(
I like alot of music I mostly listen to the sappy music and stay up listenig to it because its just one of those days when I have alot on my mind.
My hero's are my sister heidi and my step- mom wendy and my dad heidi your always there when I need someone to talk to when no one will listen to me we have gone through alot together I wont say anymore because you no what im talking about. Wendy you have been there for me more than my stupid bitch ass mother of mine thats why I consider you my mother me and you fight but we usally get through it and your always there when im in the hospital and I thank you for that and I never want to lose you " I Love You". My dad Mark me and you have been through thick and thin when everything goes bad I have you behind me backing me up I respect you now alot being able to see what you mean its not easy doing things being responable is hard but "I Love You alot for showing me that" even though you dont like the choice of guys I choose you still find time to love me and treat me like a daughter thank you alot.