Urchin profile picture


About Me

Are you sitting comfortably? Then I’ll begin. It all started in a winter of the mid nineties; a winter whose dark nights long outstayed their welcome, either that or someone forgot to draw the curtains. Anyway, in a boudoir-come-studio lit by the dancing lights of echo boxes and strewn with records from lost musical eras, their once gaudy sleeves now musty and dog-eared, two shadowy figures busily worked the discs and dials until the clutch of tracks that became Urchin’s first album was assembled…..

From this introduction I will begin to describe the long and undulating journey through the leafy byroads and grassy bridleways of music that has led Urchin to this point in time.

Fortune smiled on the duo when they became acquainted with record producer Chris Bangs and an opportunity to remix a handful of tracks for his eccentric jazz project Mr.Electric Triangle was offered. The four completed remixes appeared on the album Kosmosis in Dub and this collaboration threw the then named Red Rum into the path of the 2Kool record label and a speculative album deal was struck. Buoyed by this enthusiasm the newly named Urchin spent the next year assembling the first album only to deliver it to a record label in terminal decline. However, links forged with Waveform records in the US proved solid and the self entitled release ensued.
The long-term hopes of Urchin remain: to experiment in the use of the scratch as a solo instrument and to translate their discoveries of obscure musical delights and sounds into little tomes to a curious audience.

My Interests


Member Since: 23/11/2006
Band Website: www.waveformhq.com/urchin.html
Band Members: Jez Coode and Nic Gill
Record Label: Waveform / unsigned

My Blog

Urchin, Texas Yellow and the House of Fraser advert

Last year we lent Texas Yellow to House of Fraser for an advertising campaign, yes, the one with the girl in the bunny suit. That's it, just wanted to have it up on the page somewhere. I could bang on...
Posted by on Sat, 17 Feb 2007 04:26:00 GMT