THE STUBBORN BROTHA [Shango Sound Intl.]
Geboren in Bielefeld, West-Deutschland, Grundschule in Lagos Nigeria, seit 1980 wieder in Babylon - verkündet the stubBorn brotha die Botschaft der Gerechtigkeit. Shango (so heißt sein Soundsystem) ist der Yoruba Gott des Donners und des Blitzes. Er ist ein Krieger für die Gerechtigkeit und hat als Waffen, neben den Naturgewalten, die Musik und den Tanz auserkoren.
shango sound intl. is a young sound outta st. pauli, germany. founded by the stubBorn brotha (who was born in babylon) it keeps up the faith of the african heritage. shango is the yoruba god of thunder & lightning. he is a god of war and justice. his weapons are thunder and lighning but also music and dance.
listen to shango sound and get ready for the riterevolution! <[strong>it's all yours ...]pls. make shure to check my at blog:
shango sound intl's bloglink up: [email protected]
we need:
- money
- help
- printings
- deejays
- singer
- painter
- justice
serveral contributions as bASTRA, dOERTE bECKER, bLANKE nEGER, cmdte. babatunde, kayo's sound patrol. now the stubBorn brotha feat. shango sound & africa 07 soundsystem
roots, reggae, dancehall, dub, reggaeton, soca, funk, soul & hiphop. sometimes even blues. it's the truth, ruth.
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