+there's more to me than you think
+don't j u d g e me by my looks -sometimes they can be deceiving
+i have one best friend. and i'd rather have her than 50 "friends"
+i don't care what you t.h.i.n.k. of me, my friend, or my family
+i don't care what your friend thinks either-
+m u s i c does me wonders
+i often dance to it
+or s c r e a m it as loud as i can
+i wish on every shooting s t a r i see
+i have big hopes -don't you d/a/r/e take them away
+i believe everything happens for a reason
+cheating is for lamoes
+i have an opinion about everything - some things are better left u.n.s.a.i.d.
+i don't drink pop or "s o d a"
+i love icecream to NO end
+people are f a k e like whoa
+just be yourself for once, you might be amazed.
+i don't eat fast food-grosssss.
+tea is yum.my
+swing l i f e away
+don't swim with gators
+don't e/v/e/r underestimate me
+i will only prove you w..r..o..n..g
+i love clothes- but don't have enough
+random t.e.x.t. messages
+meeting n.e.w people
+sm i le when things couldn't get any w/o..r/s..e
+a good laugh can heal alot
+laying under the s*t*a*r*s*will neevveer get (o)(l)(d)
+im so indecesive, but somtimes it makes of the b-e-s-t nights
+i've never actually been in l~o~v~e~
+fall is probably my favorite se..as..on
+i pick d/a..r/e over ttrruutthh anyday
+don't get me w=r=o=n=g i'll be more than ha.pp.y to face the truth
+have something to s-a-y? SAY IT.
+I don't wanna (h)(e)(a)(r) through all you're little "groupies"
+you only l~i~v~e~ once. so do it.
+p.o.l.k.a. d.o.t.s.
+never leave without my (camera)
+i don't b..i..t..e..
+i dont b/i/t/c/h - but if it comes down to it, i can be one.
+feet are --disgusting-- they shall be s.o.c.k.e.d at all times
+school dances are way ov.er.at.ed.
+i don't miss highschool
+i know some of the most amazing people e v e r !
+i can be s.h.y. but never around the people i know.
+i wouldn't c/h..a/n..g/e who i am for the WORLD
+i could sit at the lake for h-o-u-r-s-
+everyone is b-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l in their own way, some people refuse to see it.
+don't e/v/e/r point your finger. there's always 3 pointing b..a..c..k..
+most of the time, the little things do mmaatteerr most.
+it's ok to (c)(r)(y)
+i like to l e a r n from my m/i..s/t..a/k..e/s
+ and yes i like milk~shakes
+i think about things way too much
+i hate making PLANS, they always seemed to get r.u.i.n.e.d.
+i could d-a-n-c-e in the rain for hours
+i always prepare myself for the worst, but i'm never ready
+you're words wont m/a/k/e/ me or b..r..e..a..k.. me , so just say it+
I edited my profile with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.6 !