Cuddling with my wife, Naps with my daughter, wrestling with my son. Oh and playstation 2, Sportscenter, Rap videos, First 48, Discovery Chanel. & my secret laboratory that will one day help me figure out how to rule the world in the confines of my garage.
Fredrick Douglas with his slave hand.
GhostFace,Ella Fitzgerald,Raekwon,Billy Holiday,Nasir Jones,Led Zepplin(thanks for puttin me on Mike)B.I.G., & my daughters rendition of the Star Spangle Banner
Fight Club,Reservoir Dogs,Ong Bak,1 Night In Paris(lol),Akira, The Killer (John Woo),Donnie Brasco,Crash,City Of God,Debbie Does Dallas(c'mon that had great special effects)
Sports Center,National Geographic,Discovery,MTV,BET (for the rapper in me),Food network (watch this show when your hungry it helps you get so creative in the kitchen,
Genghis Khan Conqueror of the World (my secret lab)Conversational Tagalog(working on my native tongue(for the kids, man) SOCOM 3 stategy guide (a must have for the serious online gamer)Edgar Allen Poe complete tales and poems (because she said I could use a little culture)& one of my favorites ,it's really my son's book tittled It's Okay To Be Different.
Dante Bautista Senior Aka El Capitain. C.J.3 aka MiniCon. My Darling Wife who has a touch of an angel with the heart of a lion