Hexistenz / Timo Denz profile picture

Hexistenz / Timo Denz

People Portrait Fashion Glamour Photography

About Me

without a lot to say or self worth...
my name's timo denz. i am a 30-year old communication designer
(studied graphic design with a major in photodesign).
for the last 9 years i've been working on this project named hexistenz
- a portrait portfolio with exceptional, flamboyent or just simpel - in my eyes - impressionabel creatures of the goth/punk/alternative-scene...
people with more interest should take a look at my websites www.hexistenz.de and www.timodenz.com
Eigene Slideshow erstellen Alle Fotos ansehen
previous publications:
2006 faeries and fiends, ISBN 3866080514
2006 V.A. fetish, ISBN 3-89985-092-0
2004 FreakShowDiary, ISBN 3937536620
2003 modern times witches, ISBN 3935798792 http://www.timodenz.de/hexistenz.php?kat=mod&sht=1
modern times witches-slideshow:
Eigene Slideshow erstellen Alle Fotos ansehen
faeries and fiends-slideshow:
Eigene Slideshow erstellen Alle Fotos ansehen
previous exhibitions:
'faeries and fiends', Universal Dog, Lahr
'faeries and fiends', Sommercasino, Basel
Art-Zone, Columbiahalle/Magazin, Berlin
Spirit Of Fashion, Eiswerder Fernsehstudios, Berlin
'Hexhibition 2005', Agra-Messehalle, Leipzig
'modern times witches', Markthalle, Hamburg
'modern times witches', Agra-Messehalle, Leipzig
'modern times witches', Melodrom, Kaufbeuren
'modern times witches', Provisorium, Ludwigsburg
'modern times witches', Big Eden, Berlin
'modern times witches', Release-Ausstellung, WH Gaisburg, Stuttgart
'Extraction underground', Galerie Nieser, Stuttgart
'Elektrisierend bizarr', Le Fonque, Stuttgart
'Hexhibition', Café Carpe Diem, Markgröningen
Myspace Online Now Icons

My Interests


lolita storm, hanin elias, L7, queen adreena... mlada fronta, proyecto mirage, squaremeter... peaches, adult, sid le rock, electronicat, knifehandchop (...)


'the machinist', 'wrong turn', 'mrs. vengeance', 'coffee and cigarettes', 'sin city', 'leon', 'mad max', 'the godfather', 'mein geliebter feind', tim burton's and quen tarantino's lifework (...)


i miss 'the munsters'


at the moment i'm struggling through gustav meyrink's 'the green face'


ragazza, amicizie, razza e gatta... ellen von unwerth, david lachapelle, kate moss and walter moers :-)