Raquel profile picture


I don`t need permission, take my own decisions, that`s my prerogative..!

About Me

Hello everyone
My name is raquel, and what can i tell you about myself.
Oh my... where to start? I love traveling, romance languages, vacations,surprises, good food and wine, weekend getaways, cooking,cold beer on a hot day, BBQs,all kinds of music,a great book/movie,great weather, beautiful beaches, laughing 'til it hurts, road trips, board games, bloody marys on Sundays, intelligent conversation and hanging out with my family and friends.
Im just an happy person because I think it's very important to laugh, at myself and with my friends. Thats means. if you a good person to others, you can get good thing back from them. And i like to meet new friends over the whole world. So that..s why im here ON MYSPACE to meet nice people..s. And learn fast and furious the English language. Because my english is just a little bit bad, but it doesn..t mather. This will be a good learn proces (^_^)
Press the this link. Nice design for people who love clothes:
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I look like an innocent lady.
But i am DEEPER than you think.
If you would like to contradict me, I'm game.
I can most likely figure you out within 5 minutes of having a conversation with you.
I hunger to be an obstruction of your mind.
I thirst for you to figure me out.
You have now entered my masquerade.
You can uncover your facade.
I believe myself to be genuine and I would never betray the ones I love.
I value my family and those who are REAL.
I like to be fascinated by the anomalous.
I am constantly thinking and I love to write poetry.
I have Loved... Lost... and Learned.
The three things that every soul should feel.
I yearn for those that put a smile on my face.
I crave for the one that will give to me what I will give back.
I do not belong in anyone's Virus.
Satisifaction is found on my own.
Don't Lust for what you See...
Desire what you know.
So if you wanna know more about me. Then you can ask me everything, everytime if you like. And downstars you can read more "ABOUT TO KNOW ME"
I hope you will injoy my page and leave me a comment or a voice message if you like. Lets keep in touch!
In this slide show you see 21 Photos!

Current Location:
Eye Color:
Hair Color:
Your favourite clothes:
Do you have tattoo:
Your Weakness:
Do you smoke :
Do you like vacations:
What of kind man you like:
What kind off music you like:
This will be a verry funny niece reports.
My niece Rosanna has an special place in my hart. I dont know why, but thats the truthe. We have allmoste every day, every time, every minnut fun in or live. If we bothe wake-up every morning for going to work, than we will saying to eachother " WHAAAAA --- PUMBA PUMBAAAAAA --- ANNA BANANA. But sometimes we are mad to eachother, but thats normal, right..?? So Look and injoy the slideshow...!

This is my Tatoo Report.
I make this one in september 2005
It was very exciting.. Maybe i will take another one :)
I met them from myspace this year i gues. And i muts tell you that the are very special people to me. The had visite me in AMSTERDAM for 2 days. And we injoy the meeting.
We had going out to the beacht "ZANDVOORT". It was nice beautiful weather, what you see on the pictures. It was fantastic to meet TOM AND ALDA AND THE KIDS. Now its my turn to bring a visite to LUXENBOURG.

This is a slideshow about spain. 11.04.07/22.04.07
40 photo..s!


My Interests

Leave here an voice comment for me.
Its free..!

Let me know where u come from.. ADD YOURSELF OVER HERE?


Coca cola went to town pepsi cola shoot him down, dokter pepper pept him up, they drink all 7-up!!


Love means....

To love is to share life together
to build special plans just for two
to work side by side
and then smile with pride
as one by one, dreams all come true.

To love is to help and encourage
with smiles and sincere words of praise
to take time to share
to listen and care
in tender, affectionate ways.

To love is to have someone special
one who you can always depend
to be there through the years
sharing laughter and tears
as a partner, a lover, a friend.

To love is to make special memories
of moments you love to recall
of all the good things
that sharing life brings
love is the greatest of all.


A.B.C Friendschip...

Accepts you as you are

B.elieves in you

C.alls you just to say "HI"

D.oesn't give up on you

E.nvisions the whole of you

F.orgives your mistakes

G.ives unconditionally

H.elps you

I.nvites you over

J.ust to be with you

K.eeps you close at heart

L.oves you for who you are

M.akes a difference in your life

N.ever judge

O.ffers support

P.icks you up

Q.uiets your fears

R.aises your spirit

S.ays nice things about you

T.ells you the truth when you need to hear

U.nderstands you

V.alues you

W.alks beside you

X- plains things you don't understand

Y.ells when you won't listen and

Z.apps you back to reality


This is Jan de Haan

He is a very good art etser and painter. He look like jezus, but nothing is tru.

If you have intresting in his art, and you will know him better as person. You can ask me for everything..?

He has also an internet site, but only in "Dutch". If you not can understand it, and there is anny intresting or questions about Jan de Haan. You can ask me. I will give you my answer.

He sale..s his art, so you can order and buy it if you like ;)

Copie this url and past it -- http://www.jan-de-haan.nl/


I'm just like a book.
Don't judge me by my cover.
But read me, page by page.
And you'll get to know me,
Even if you don't like the whole story.
Don't stop in the middle.
Because once you close the book.
Don't even think about
opening it again!!!



The meaning of the letters:

J, stands for Jesus we comes first in everything you do.

O, stands for Others;
by seving others with his help, you can have joy.

Y, stands for yourself...

First Jesus then Others and in the last place Yourself..

If you keep this way, then JOY wil be in your life!


I'd like to meet:

Nice kindly people....

I meet so many friends over here. And i like it very much. Sometime..s you met someone and afhter you talk with them, the whant resposn you back anymore. And you meet some people the will keep in touch with you.. That meens "good friends will good share friendship"
So i have made some new special friends where i keep in touch with. And i whant to let them know how special the are for me, to write about them..
At first --
she is my special girlfriend for me here on myspace.. I like hur sound, hur profile, hur attitude, hur soul, hur attantion and she send me all the time good things to share with... She is a perfect girl. I love hur as the way she is.
Then i will meet my special gust and my best friend for now --
He has a gold hard with happy energie. And his doggy too :).Look how much the like eachother on the couch. Al the time he is happy and write me happy message. I must laughing all the time. He found me just example for 3 days on 30.04.07! And it seems like that we know eachother so good. I like his sound, and his personallity.. Thats why i like to recived message from him al the time. And maybe we get to meet eachather someday. Because i know he loves me really as person Raquel."RESPECT" And i will do that the seem for him.
Than i will meet my new friends ---
The are such nice and kindly person that i know. I Met them a couple of weeks ago. And the are fantastic friends to have. The are very special to me.If we come online and we see that, than we write verry quiqly to ask; --- DO YOU HAVE TIME FOR ME? And off cors i have time for them. I will make time for my new friends Tom and Alda. And hope that i can learn more about them. Love Ya my friends!!!
Then my special guest in my list what i like to meet is my new friend---
she is always kind to me if i talk with her. I like here mind, body and soul. I will telling you guys, she is the best Woman,Mother,Space friend, and Girlfriend to have..? Also she is ready to move too another home and maybe town. Maybe she move to my place Amsterdam :)--- lol and than we can meet and great eachother and drink everyday cup of coffee in the coffeeshope :)
Thats why i like good nice people. And i hope i can write more friends on this box who i like to meet... Thank you guys for your lovely friendship!


For my space friends..!!

My Space friends the are everything for me.. So if you press on the button down stars. Than you know how much
1* Press on the link downstars.
2* Than you will see a black screem.
3* 1 sec. and you see a blue boll with a red button.
4* Press on the red button and it will playing.
5* Befor you press the link, take my music off, than you hear the movie better.
Good luck and enjoy it. I think you will be happy afther you see this nice link

This is my friends reports

I have meet a nice man. His name is Bernhard. He is a Rap singer and its verry kindly man. I love him as he is. The first 2 photos thats Bernhard... and the other photo..s the allso nice... The Rap group 'UITVERKORENEN" That will be the last photo in this reports.. The allso verry good in sing. Will you more about know them.. I..ll will tell you allot about them. thank You for this attention and have a nice day....
xxxx Raquel "SummergirlSunlight"



Dear friends. My granny is dead on 3 september 2005.
I love and miss her so much every time.
Thats why i had wrote an poom about my granny.
But i had make it in DUTCH.

The picture what you see, thats my Grandmother.
She was also an second mother for me.
I hope she is with me everyday :)

I know that people the will try to read this. It will be hard for you if you dont understand the Dutch language.
So if you like to wanna know what i had write here.
Ask me, and i send it personal what you read in Dutch but in English language. OK!


Ik schrijf dit gedicht voor u, om nog een keer te zeggen hoe ziels veel ik van u hou. Eat is enorm veel. En dat weet u!

Daarom zeg ik dit voor de laatste keer, omdat ik weet u ben er niet meer.

Een maand geleden kreeg u gezondheids problemen. Misschien wel langer, dat blijft een vraag?

OP vrijdag avond hebben wij afscheid van u moeten nemen.

U vocht voor u leven tot het einde toe, al had u veel pijn, verdriet of was u erg moe.

U had uw ziektje moedig gedragen, want er is niemand die u ooit heeft horen klagen.

Maar waarom moest u sterven? Ik begrijp het niet.

U laat ons achter met een groot verdriet.

Er is 1 ding dat troost mij nog het meest; Ik ben trots en dankbaar dat u mijn OMA bent geweest.

U zal alitjd in mijn gedachten blijven, ook bij anderen, dag en nacht.

Het enigste dat ik u nog kan zeggen is; OMA rust zacht.

The End

Uw kleindochter Raquel


My Blog

sorry, i like you, chill out

http://www.scrolllock.nl/1.cfm you can see here the sorry, i like you, chill out blue man... check it out!!! xxx raquel
Posted by Raquel on Sat, 17 Mar 2007 11:33:00 PST

I REALLY LIKE YOU! press the link

I REALLY LIKE YOU if you wanne know if i really like you, press upstairs the I REALLY LIKE YOU  link! i think you will be happy :-} good luck! Raquel...
Posted by Raquel on Tue, 28 Nov 2006 02:04:00 PST

My bad day..

Hello everyone... Today was my worst day of my live. Friday evening i went to go out with me friends to a dancing bar in Enkhuizen in Holland. It was in the beginning verry nice. But later on that ev...
Posted by Raquel on Sat, 25 Nov 2006 02:06:00 PST

Welcome Raquel

hello every budy... Well, its a hard day for me to make a nice space over here. Because i`m new here today, and have been on the computer from nine till six. And i hope this way, to meet ather f...
Posted by Raquel on Thu, 23 Nov 2006 09:12:00 PST