beaver [PSC] profile picture

beaver [PSC]

I am here for Dating, Friends and Networking

About Me

i shit naked and look before i flush. i am a sucker for affection and tend to be emotionally masochistic. i like hugs and sushi. if i could i would eat pecan pie for every meal. i really enjoy franziskaner, fish and chips and things in miniature. super hot showers are *yay* warm milk is *boo* i don't like shopping sometimes because there are too many choices and i think about every aspect of every choice until my head hurts. i rarely do stupid things but when i do fuck up i REALLY fuck up. even if i'm home alone i still lock the bathroom door. i always check to see if someone is behind me when i bend over to pick up the soap in the shower. i have quite a few male friends but that doesn't mean i've had sex with any of them. i made a man out of spam and laughed my ass off the whole time (he's sitting in the freezer right now). i've been told in the past that i am morose and aloof. now i'm more aloof and not so morose. i like there to be structure in things that i do. i like dogs cuz cats are poopy. i always look for patterns. i appreciate cleverness. rum gets me into trouble.i drink a lot of cranberry and orange juice. i like to talk loud.

Your Seduction Style: The Dandy
You're a non-traditionalist, not limited by gender roles or expectations.
Your sexuality is more fluid than that - and you defy labels or categories.
It's hard to pin you down, and that's what's fascinating about you.
You have the psychology of both a male and a female, and you can relate to anyone. ..TABLE
What Is Your Seduction Style?

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

toby fucking radloff: genuine nerd...someone to share things with. DO ME

My Blog


even i get flowers
Posted by on Fri, 22 Aug 2008 01:20:00 GMT

how the fcuk

did i manage to forget to bring shoes on a 12 day road trip? i mean REALLY? all i have are two pairs of flip-flops and i've been in a mad scramble to buy shoes before camping and concert at the gorge ...
Posted by on Wed, 21 May 2008 20:34:00 GMT


as much as i do enjoy a challenge sometimes learning new things just makes me feel stupid and incapable.
Posted by on Mon, 07 Apr 2008 22:30:00 GMT

rambo = blood + bodies

it didn't start getting good until the second half when it was all bad guys being mowed down the first half of the movie it was all innocents being massacredif you have a problem with seeing children ...
Posted by on Sat, 02 Feb 2008 16:03:00 GMT

because im (not very) smart (w/ update)

i lost my ATM card last nightwell, maybe not lost exactly...but it's no longer in my possessioni know where it is i just can't get to it until the guy that services the ATM machine opens it up and loa...
Posted by on Fri, 01 Feb 2008 07:34:00 GMT

end of an era

the last few times i've visited california i made sure to grab some of my boxes out of storage. apparently i have a shit ton of crap that i barely remember owning. i have a lot of books which is aweso...
Posted by on Sun, 13 Jan 2008 22:37:00 GMT

i will have vengeance!!!!

oh man...sweeney todd = awesomei've never seen it on stage but i really really really want to nowi got goosebumpsside-note: when i was in highschool i always wanted to be one of the drama kidsi always...
Posted by on Sun, 06 Jan 2008 15:32:00 GMT


it's after 4am...WTF am i doing awake?that's right...nothinga whole lot of nothing
Posted by on Mon, 31 Dec 2007 04:14:00 GMT

what is it...

about a really good show that makes me want to hug?i finally got to see built to spillyeah...pretty amazingand such an awesome way to start out the weekps...flaming lips on sunday!!!!! and maybe the r...
Posted by on Mon, 10 Sep 2007 23:16:00 GMT

gasp and swoon

rollercon was super funi got to know a few of my teammates betteri dressed up to look pretty...and to look handsome(and i pulled both off stunningly)i scrimmageddrank way too much and passed outmade s...
Posted by on Sun, 19 Aug 2007 23:13:00 GMT