i shit naked and look before i flush. i am a sucker for affection and tend to be emotionally masochistic. i like hugs and sushi. if i could i would eat pecan pie for every meal. i really enjoy franziskaner, fish and chips and things in miniature. super hot showers are *yay* warm milk is *boo* i don't like shopping sometimes because there are too many choices and i think about every aspect of every choice until my head hurts. i rarely do stupid things but when i do fuck up i REALLY fuck up. even if i'm home alone i still lock the bathroom door. i always check to see if someone is behind me when i bend over to pick up the soap in the shower. i have quite a few male friends but that doesn't mean i've had sex with any of them. i made a man out of spam and laughed my ass off the whole time (he's sitting in the freezer right now). i've been told in the past that i am morose and aloof. now i'm more aloof and not so morose. i like there to be structure in things that i do. i like dogs cuz cats are poopy. i always look for patterns. i appreciate cleverness. rum gets me into trouble.i drink a lot of cranberry and orange juice. i like to talk loud.
Your Seduction Style: The Dandy
You're a non-traditionalist, not limited by gender roles or expectations.
Your sexuality is more fluid than that - and you defy labels or categories.
It's hard to pin you down, and that's what's fascinating about you.
You have the psychology of both a male and a female, and you can relate to anyone. ..TABLE
What Is Your Seduction Style?