About Me
You know who we are. We are "Of Floods". We are set individuals seeking to fulfill God's promises and plans for us. We know we will fall short of the glory of God, but we will gladly spend each day striving to grasp the fruitful and wonderful things God has for us. Each morning God restores us to pursue him, grants us the strength to endure the days, and every night lays our heads to rest. In a world that feeds off discontent we seek to be a beacon of hope and love irregardless of the obstacles ahead.We view music not only as an art, but a ministry and within that we're pursuing music to it's absolutes, redefining every measure and mean. Our name "Of Floods" refers to the overwelming feeling when God is either touching or moving in your life, and we just want to have the same effect in our music. And it's through our music, we want to create an atmosphere of worship, and as individuals we want to create a fellowship. We want everyone who knows us, or that hears us, to ask us about our faith. Challenge. Question. Doubt. This will not only help you out, but we will grow too! We want to impact your lives, which in turn will impact us. We not only want to hangout with you guys, we want to fellowship with you. We not only want to talk about music and it's entailings, we want to talk about our Savior Jesus Christ and his miracles. We not only want to chow down on some BBQ with you, we want to chow down on scripture and bible study.
We are about Unity, Brotherhood, Friendship, Loyalty, Kindness, Worship, and Fellowship. If you want, invite us into your life, we will gladly take part and show our gratitude for it. We'll hangout, dance, fight, sing, eat, play video games, hide n' seek, jam out, or anything else you could possibly imagine with you. We are servants of God, and we have set out to impact peoples lives in any way, mundane or extraordinary, lame or sweet, mediocre or awesome. Our calling is simple, yet our task is great, to exude & display the true love of God. Who's not just some sort of lofty, untouchable apparation people speak to. He's real. Tangible. & Living. Together, let's make a difference.All of our love,
-Will & Of Floods.Help Us Promote! Add Us! Tell All Your Friends! We LOVE YOU!