Name: Angela
Birthday: 19 Feb
Birthplace: Bendigo
Current Location: Adelaide
Eye Colour: Green
Hair Colour: Brown
Height: short
Right or Left Handed: Right
Your Heritage: Aussie all the way
The Shoes You Wore Today: Platforms or wedges
Your Weakness: I'm shy
Your Fears: Heights, snakes, spiders
Your Perfect Pizza: BBQ chicken
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: Hehe I shouldn't tell
Your Most Overused Phrase On MSN: lol
Thoughts First Waking Up: normally it's just a groan looking at the time and thinking about having to go to gym but once I'm there I love it
Your Best Physical Feature: My eyes
Your Best Non-Physical Feature: I guess I have compassion
Your Bedtime: well normally around 10 but if I have to be up at 5 then it's usually in bed by 8 or 8.30
Pepsi or Coke: COKE!!!!!!!!!!! God I miss coke
McDonalds or Hungry Jacks: Maccas
Single or Group Dates:
Lipton Iced Tea or Nestea: Neither
Chocolate or Vanilla: Chocolate
Cappuccino or Coffee: Cappuccino
Have You Been In Love?: Only infatuated
Are You A Health Freak?: Sort of
Do You...
Smoke?: No
Swear?: Constantly
Shower Daily?: Yes
Want To Go To College?: Yes
Want To Get Married?: Hell yes!!!!!!!!
Believe In Yourself?: When it comes to a guy then no, but I usually can believe in myself now
Get Motion Sickness?: no
Think You Are Attractive?: sometimes
Get Along With Your Parents?: sometimes
Like Thunderstorms?: not really
Play An Instrument?: voice oh and the triangle
In The Past Month Have You...
Drank Alcohol?: nope
Smoked?: no
Been On Drugs?: no
Gone On A Date?: hahahahahahahaha me a date? hahahahahaha
Gone To A Mall?: yep
Eaten A Box Of Oreos?: no
Eaten Sushi?: no
Been On Stage?: yes
Been Dumped?: no
Gone Skinny Dipping?: no
Stolen Anything?: no
Ever Been Drunk?: no
Ever Been Called A Tease?: I think I have once
Ever Been Beaten Up?: no
Ever Shoplifted?: no
How Do You Want To Die?:
What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up?: A Teacher
What Country Would You Most Like To Visit?: Spain
Number Of Drugs I Have Taken: None
Number Of CDs I Own: A lot
Number Of Piercings: two
Number Of Tattoos: None
Number Of Things I My Past I Regret: Too many to count
In A Boy
Favourite Hair Colour: I think I'm back in my blonde phase
Short or Long Hair: Short is better but I don't mind long
Height: Taller than me
Weight: Generally I'm attracted to the thin/fit guys but that's body type
Best Clothing Style: Wateva he likes
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