Helping others.Outdoors.good weather.learning.close, good music.dancing, girl talks.laughing. pinK stuff.Reses Pieces.Massages.puppies. starbucks runs.power naps.traveling.loving.
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Depends on my mood.. but for sure Bring it On, My Best Friends Wedding, Diry Dancing, Ghost, Titanic, Legally Blonde,the wedding date,step up
umm hello...Will & Grace. OPRAH. project runway. Top Model. Grays Anatomy. and LOST!!
To Kill a Mocking Bird, the Color Purple, Gifted Hands
My Mom! She is an amazing indivdual...she inspires me daily, loves me unconditionally, and has taught me so many lessons in life! Matty-Patty-Big-Daddy..thanks for EVERYTHING. Your determination not to conform but remain strong in your beliefs, your amazaing talent, your quirkiness, your laugh, hugs when i'm down, our "girl talks" but most importantly always being there for me, even at times when i feel like the world is against me!! Youre so special to me, my life would be empty without you..luv u pookie (Maw-sett forever lol)!! And of course, all of my close friends (y'all know who you are) thanks for adding that spark in my life!! ohhh and laSt but not least..Kelly Clarkson and the amazing diva OPRAH!! get it girls..