The official DOSzastro Musick business page. All inquiries should be about music, for music, or by music. Any personal issues should be addressed directly to B , If u can't get at me directly , Then BUY MY M*&THAF%^^N CD HOES!!!!! LISTEN UP !!!!!D.O.S., (Death Or Success) aka Dos (pronounced dose), Doszastro, Young Dos, B (2 folk that know me personally). I'm 25 years old reppin' theATX(Austin, Tx), however I have lived all over the US so my style is that of someone widely versed in the ways of the world . Dos has been pimpin' pens since a lil' kid. I am no stranger to the stage or the studio. I specialize in raw , true lyrics, straight from the heart or straight off the dome, I can freestyle for miles, and have been preforming since the ripe young age of 17 . I have range people, I work best when backed by a live band , however I can pull off the digital deal w no prob. My stage presence have earned me a variety of tours and opening gigs for many acts ranging from underground favorites, the Living Legends all the way to Method Man. I honestly don't give a shit bout nuthin else but God, my peeps (family), and this music. For the most part, unless we cool like that, I reserve personal info. about myself save for my music. But honey's on myspace be askin alot of nosey questions so this is for yall : I'm a Taurus born in May 1980's baby, I'm not married or divorced, no child support, had some college, lived all over, no felonies! chea, happy? I luv hip hop/rap whateva u wanna call this shit now, got 2 projects out; 'Monsta's Ball' 2004 and MillTiket: 1 Spot mixtape vol.1,2005 thru my indie company DOSzastro Entertainment. I'm currently finishing up my new album, "OverD.O.S.e" featuring production-ta-fuck-yo-head-up as well as a special guest apperance by one my all time favorite Texas artists, and a few other of my real deal counterparts. Look out for me to make a definitive mark on popular culture as we know it . For press or booking info. contact DOSzastro Ent at:
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