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I am here for Networking

About Me

Kønst Magazine is an art magazine, a forum where young artists can show work outside traditional institutions. We want to attract a broad audience and put art out into the public arena. Our first edition was published on Friday 9th Febuary 2007.
The Magazine intends to foster a spirit of co-operation and create a network between young artists. We show all forms of contemporary art, we also attach a DVD with video.
20th of November – 6th of December
Erasing Darkness is a group exhibition consisting of artworks made by eight young international artists. All the individual artists have created pieces with the title Erasing Darkness in mind using different types of mediums. Darkness by definition is absence of light. Metaphorically, abstract or concretely speaking, what does it mean to “erase the darkness”? By adding light into darkness, do we eliminate it? What is darkness? And how do each and one of us relate to it?
“Humans do not stand out from other animals in any other way, than the fact that they know they are not animals. This is the first appearance of light, and this is nothing else than visible darkness. It is the beginning, cause to see the dark is to assume its light. It is the end, because when pleading from what we see, one realizes that we are all born blind. With this knowledge the animal become human, through the ignorance it is born into.“ (Fernando Pessoa, from the book A hora do diablo)
Kønst is a Norwegian art magazine made of artists, a forum where young artists are invited to present their work and foster a spirit of cooperation, creating a network across national borders. In each issue we have a different approach selecting works and presenting the art. In Kønst #4 we are taking it further. For the first time we have gathered a group of colleagues to create a group exhibition. This is a selection from the new art generation, who all share a link towards Berlin. In the previous numbers of Kønst we were selecting interesting, already existing art pieces to present. Now we feel it is important to go deeper into each piece, emphasizing the process and being part of the creation. Berlin is one of the most experimental cities for art in Europe, nowadays a natural meeting point and a place to exchange ideas and opinions with others. The paper issue of Kønst will be based on the works from this exhibition, interviews and articles concerning Erasing Darkness. (
-Anna Louise Overgaard (Danmark)
-Alvaro Urbano (Spain)
- Julie Sparsø Damkjær (Danmark)
- Tyra Tingleff (Norge)
- Jonas Jensen (Danmark)
- Juan Requena (Venezuela)
- Lene Baadsvig Ørmen (Norge)
- Sara Sølberg (Norge)
Openingparty friday 20th of November!
21.00 Susanna Berivan (concert)
22.30 Writins Ovrload (concert)
24.00 Bodi Bill DJ Team
+ Freedarich
BERGEN: Robot, Norli(galleriet), Fillin and Stenersen
OSLO: Tronsmo, Tiger and Torpedo
TRONDHEIM: Galleri KIT and HÃ¥kki
TROMSØ: Mondo Tromso
BERLIN: Pro qm Buchhandlung (Mitte/Prenzlauerberg)
LISBOA: Soundcraft, Ler Devegar and Tema
CAPE TOWN: Downstairs music
pictures from the #2 releaseparty at Victoria:
Contact: Lene Baadsvig Ørmen & Sara Sølberg (

Myspace Layouts by

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Young people making art!

If you want to contrubite material send it to

My Blog

Release of the second issue of Kønst Magazine!

Releaseparty for the second issue of Kønst Magazine!! DJ: Join Our Party (Oslo)Thursday 30th of August at Victoria Bar and Café in Bergen. 21.00 (09.00 PM) Free entrance!
Posted by on Wed, 15 Aug 2007 13:38:00 GMT

You can still buy first edition of Kønst

You can still buy the first edition of Kønst Magazine at: Robot, Fillin, Norli (Galleriet), Håkki, Victoria, Stenersen and Hordaland Kunstsenter in Bergen, Tronsmo, Torpedo and Tiger in Oslo, Galleri ...
Posted by on Thu, 14 Jun 2007 17:10:00 GMT

Prøverommet mandag 26.02

Kønst Magazine selges på Prøverommet på BIT-Teatergarasjen mandag 26.02 fra kl 20.00
Posted by on Fri, 23 Feb 2007 02:29:00 GMT

Next number

Want to apply with works? Deadline for next number: 1th of April!
Posted by on Wed, 21 Feb 2007 02:33:00 GMT

Release of Kønst Magazine!!

9th of February the first number of K..nst Magazine was released with a party at Landmark bar and art scene, DJ Lady Birgum (Copenhagen) was playing. The first number presents works by Aksel Kielland...
Posted by on Wed, 21 Feb 2007 02:27:00 GMT