The band
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Tragicomedy is a hard rock/metal band from Stockholm, Sweden. Formed in 2001, the band initially functioned as a hobby project, playing only covers of all sorts ranging from pop, rock, heavy metal and blues, and aiming mainly at just getting a few spare gigs on schools and festivals around town. The initial lineup didn't last long, and during the period of 2001 - 2004, Tragicomedy not only gained a new powerful lineup, but they also evolved into a solid band aiming 100% at hard rock & metal. The band's sound and team spirit slowly started to develop, and at the end of 2005, the group decided to take Tragicomedy one step higher by writing original songs and recording a demo. 2006 proved to be a very successful year for the band, as they fulfilled almost all their goals they had set up: They wrote and rehearsed several songs, they recorded a demo, and they got many new highly appreciated gigs.
The concept of Tragicomedy is simple but effective. The band aims at having a broad collection of songs of most hard genres, such as pop punk, doom, power metal, hard rock and gothic, but without losing their catchy melodies and melodic riffs. All in all, the band aims to be a youthful party act while at the same time provide the listener with some deep emotional material.
At the moment, the band is taking a break over the Winter to write even more songs and to prepare for their biggest challenge ever: a live performance at the Emergenza festival band competition!
The history of Tragicomedy
Chapter 1:
On a late summer afternoon in a warm classroom, six musicians were gathered to play music together. Their names, forever to be remembered, were HÃ¥kan, Linus, Christoffer, Oscar, Bella and Mia. They decided that they wanted to play together and immediatly started learning song with such vast difference in styles so it was impossible to say which genre they played. However, as you will see later in this story, this would come to be on of the key elements in the music of the band which were going to be known as Tragicomedy.
This continued during one year and Tragicomedy even took one stumbeling step out in the world of live music. However, the peace were not to last. Bella decided she wanted to leave for a distant country to study and left the band. And after a few months, evil demons laid big tasks on Mia and she too had to leave the band.
And thus, they were only four. But those four messengers of music continued to play together for another year, getting tighter and tighter as a group and became really good friends. Tragicomedy got more gigs and did one really appriciated performance in Jakobsber's arcade. But again,things didn't go as it should. For the first time in the groups history, the big difference in musical styles were doing bad things in the group. Oscar thought much of the music played were too heavy and he decided to, on friendly terms, part ways with the band. And this marks the end of chapter one.
Chapter 2:
Now things looked bad for the group. But HÃ¥kan, Linus and Christoffer struggeled to keep the band together. And they were sucessful. Although they didn't play live during this time they rehearsed when they could. And soon they joined ranks with singer Bella (not the same Bella) and guitar pro Mattias. Still playing covers, they were aiming their focus more and more on metal music allthough still keeping open minded. After a few months they were forcefully thrown out of their rehearsal place and were left homeless.
But two very kind people let the band use their basement for rehearsal and after a quick shopping tour for equipment they could begin rehearse again. And that is the end of chapter 2.
Chapter 3:
Fast forward to late 2005/early 2006. Tragicomedy had now developed
into a
functioning orchestra with a competent and well-working lineup and a
and forceful metal sound. Around this time, the band had a serious talk
together, and everyone agreed that it was time to try hard to lift
Tragicomedy to a higher level. Most of the band members had been
experimenting with writing songs, but yet nothing had come into
However, now everyone felt it was the time. The band began rehearsing
first original songs. Among the first candidates here were Linus's punk
metal song "When Empires Fall" and the soaring ballad "My Worst Fears",
written by Bella and Mattias.
During the whole 2006, the group wrote and rehearsed many songs. They
started making plans for recording a demo, and during the Summer, the
eventually found the time they needed. During August and September, the
was working hard in their improvised recording studio to lay down the
to their first demo. In a rather mysterious way, the hard working
spirit of
Tragicomedy seemed to spread across the city they live in. In the
phase of the demo recording, the band got more gigs than they had ever
before, and delivered them with such power that a vibe was starting to
around in town. Tragicomedy slowly started to ripe and mature.
At the moment, the band is rehearsing new material and trying to find
gigs. The demo was finished at the beginning of October, and sound
have been available on the homepage since then. Stay tuned and await
arrival of the forthcoming metal blast!
Emergenza semi-final
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