POLYPHEME profile picture


About Me

POLYPHEME is a new french FULL ON project of CHRISTOPHE DONNA 29 years old from PARIS. He was born in 1979 in the north of France and he's fund of electronic musics since the secondary school. He discovered the trance music in 2000 at the time of a new year party organized by Gaïa Concept.
After several party he has taken part in the organisation of SYMBIOSE's party in 2001 and 2002 and after some experiences and much training with decks, he joined ANTHARES Team in 2002 as DJ for the greater pleasure - (big thought for "MAN'S" which left us)
In 2003, he has joined the Psychedelik.com's team (your trance webradio) with DJ NAYA(Mahogany rds) / DJ KRISTONIC / YUMAN(mind control rds) / BERTRAND and LILIE for 2 years of pure happiness and good vibes during the organisation of the LIVE! shows. Currently DJ Cyclope is located in Paris area and he begun a musical project called POLYPHEME.
In 2004, he has taken part in the realization of the track "Moon Shot" with POLARIS left on NEUROBIOTIC RDS. Since then, he has worked on new Full-on style's tracks that you can discover on his Myspace.
In 2007, he joined the Mahogany records crew with MESMERIZER,SILVER SUN,CRYING FREEMEN,PHONIC REQUEST,DYNO..... and more Dj and artist. Thanks to DJ NAYA!!!
In 2008, he started a new project Electro Progressiv "CRISTO DISTO" and he prepared POLYPHEME album "black magic" soon available on GEOMAGNETIC records composed by dynamic beats and energic bass line !!! full effect on a dance floor !
In 2009 POLYPHEME integred a MIND CONTROL records team with TALAMASCA . XSI . LIFE EXTENSION and more for future world tour ...... get ready ??

My Interests


Member Since: 22/11/2006
Band Website: geomagnetic.tv
Influences: All music all over the world !!!


MSN : djcyclope@hotmail.com
SKYPE : polyphemeproject


* Apple Macpro intel xeon 2x2.8 ghz * Apple Macbookpro intel 2x2.2 ghz * T.C electronics powercore firewire * MOTU traveler sound card * Acces virus t.i Polar * Clavia nord wave * Korg microkontrol keynote * Mackie BigKnob switch * Dynaudio BM12A monitor * Alesis M1 620 active monitor * Studio project C3 microphone * Sony mdr 7509 headphones studio

2003 : POLYPHEME feat MOON SPHYNX"spider sens" V.A"druid's potion" MANDRAGORE rds

2004 : POLARIS feat POLYPHEME "moon shot" POLARIS album NEUROBIOTICS rds
2005 : POLYPHEME "akira's energie" ANTHARES compilation PETE THE MOON rds
soon 2009 : POLYPHEME album "Black Magic" (geocd0042) GEOMAGNETC rds
soon 2009 : POLYPHEME EP "no one need a drugs" available on beatport


Teaser GAIA with POLYPHEME 21 june 2009

POLYPHEME live @ Royal nebula party

POLYPHEME live "fergalicious"@Royal nébula party
.. .. ..
CYCLOPE warm up @ Montigny party


Record Label: Geomagnetic / Mind Control
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

POLYPHEME live Gaia concept 21/06/2009/

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-u-g1XtAf8k track video : acid before acid again !
Posted by on Tue, 23 Jun 2009 09:16:00 GMT

My music ?

what you think of my music ?put your impression and your comment here ;)peaceChristophe aka Polypheme
Posted by on Thu, 02 Oct 2008 09:48:00 GMT

Album BLACK MAGIC soon ....

hello everybody !Chris  aka POLYPHEME prepare his album  soon available on  june 2009 ;)9 powerfull new track  with collaboration (HICH'' and BLOCKDEVICE) and one remix of POLARISbetween 135 and 143 b...
Posted by on Thu, 02 Oct 2008 01:04:00 GMT