ziZzizZzat profile picture


on the road...

About Me

hey i'm MaRTina and i live in a lovely toWn called Brno... i DO love my SNowBoard and tennis raCquEt!! i'm obseSsed with all kinds of cHoColaTe!! my best time is just to cHill out with my fRienDs! hmm but otherwise i'm a bit bookWORM especially i adore all the books by Michael Cunningham!!

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I WaNt tHisS cAr!!! yeh this's my DREAM car! Just don't claim that you mean it's a jalopy!! My god there is every single detail thinks up into the best!! Look at the balcony, the drawings and all! I really wanna be on the road with this cutie and travel all around the world!!

My Interests

snowboard, tennis, squash, swimming, reading, driving, drawing, art, cinema, theatre... and travellin'!!!

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adopt your own virtual pet!


funky, ska, d&b, rock, alternative, indie, pop... actually all kinds of music except country and metal

ooh i love sexy-deep voice of Barry White! and Nikka Costa is simply Genius with capital G!! and also be aware of great czech bands: Tata bojs, JAR, Monkey Business, Southpaw, Nightwork, Gulo Car, -123 minut and moooree!!


funny comedies, older movies, european films.. no horrors... forrest gump, trainspotting, zivot je krasny, jedna ruka netleska, erasmus, exil, amelie from montmartre, amores perros, 21 grams, the science of sleep, the princess and the warrior, the butterfly effect, frida, amadeus, scoop, plechovy bubinek, ice age, saturday night fever, the pianist


the simpsons, friends, spongebob and patrick, il etait une fois... la vie!!


everything by Michael Cunningham, Agatha Christie, Nick Hornby, Milan Kundera, war books... as well as some beat generation such as On the road!! and surely Harry Potter and The Little Prince:)