Will.I.aM profile picture


JuSt GoTTa LiStiN tO mY hEarT BuT i KeEp EnDiN Up RiGhT BaCk At ThE StArT, I SeE tHe FiniShLiNe buT

About Me

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..Huh lets see here my name is William... i am just here keepin in touch with friends from the past and to meet new friends... i am a kind hearted persom with always the best of intentions.... but some time a little mis-understood...but oh well thats just me... i like hangin out with people all the time there is not a time i would like to be alone i love surrounding myself with good people who turn out to be your closest friends that you can always turn to no matter what... through the thick and the thin and take in the good with the bad but still being there for that shoulder to lean on in the end.. so yeah it is what it is and thats me guys layout @ HOT FreeLayouts.com MyHotComments

My Interests

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I'd like to meet:

First Name: Will.I.aM
Middle Name: Allen
Birthday: 9-16-85
Eyes: light brown carmal color
Hair: black
Fav color: blue and green
Day/Night: night fo sho
Fave Food: italian food mmm....
Do you ever wish you had another name? nah no really
Do you like anyone? i love some one not just like
Which one of your friends acts the most like you? no one acts like me really
Who's the loudest? AdAm Fo ShO
Who have you known the longest of your friends? brittany
Who's the shyest: um i dunno all my friends are pretty outgoing!
Are you close to any family members? some but not all
When you cried the most: i dunno ...
What's the best feeling in the world: to be loved by your true love
Worst Feeling: being hurt
Let's walk on the: wild side
Let's run through: this one more time dumb ass!
Let's look at the: i dunno the sky lol
What a nice: ass you got there!
Where did all the: molta go?
Why can't you: stop being a lil bitch
Silly, little: whore!
Tell me: now!
Ran away from home: nope
Pictured your crush naked: =)
Skipped school: yep
Broken someone's heart: not that i know of ...
Been in love: yes right now!
Cried when someone died: claro que si ... what you think i am cold hearted
Wanted someone you knew you couldn't have: sure
Done something embarrassing: lots of times
Done a drug: i will never tell lol
Cried in school: yeah i had a few friends die and found out at school
Your Good Luck Charm: dont got one
Person You Hate Most: i am not a hater lol!
Best Thing That Has Happened: Mettin Jose
Ice Cream: strawberry
WHO Makes you laugh the most: adam and marquita
Makes you smile: Jose fo sho!
Has A Crush On You: i dunno
Do You Have A Crush On Someone: not a crush ... mos def not a crush ....
Fallen for your best friend?: nope most of my friends are girls lol
Made out with JUST a friend?: yeah
Kissed two people in the same day?: no
Had sex with two different people in the same day?: no
Been rejected: . yeah
Been in love?: how about now! not been ...
Been used?: yes i have
Done something you regret?: i learn from my mistakes
Cheated on someone?: .... nope ...
Been called a tease: yeah
You touched?: wynn
You talked to on the phone?: my mom
You hugged?: wynn
You instant messaged?: ....
You kissed?: jose
You yelled at?: my mom
Who text messaged you?: jose
Who broke your heart?: my hearts not broken
Who told you they loved you?: jose



i like techno, dance music and house ...... i love reggatton to all my latin lovers out there ; )(chrissy) and i like rap and hip hop as well i am pretty well rounded in the music dept... my fav. song.... ANGELITO BY DON OMARAmanecio bajo las alas de la muerteaquellos brazos de hombre que la aprietan fuertetodavia le late el alma el corazon no lo sienteAmanecio bajo las alas de la muertey vuela,vuela,vuela, angelito vuelaque ya no me quedanmuchas horas de vida desde tu partidaangelito vuela, angelito vuelaque tampoco te quedanmuchas horas de vida marque tu partida angelito.Amanecio bajo las alas de la muerteaquellos brazos de hombre que la aprietan fuertetodavia le late el alma el corazon no lo siente Amanecio bajo las alas de la muerteY vuela, vuela vuela angelito vuelaque ya no me quedanmuchas horas de vida desde tu partidaangelito vuela, angelito vuelaque tampoco te quedanmuchas horas de vida marque tu partida angelito.Sorprendidos en la cama de un extraño jugando a querercenunca penso que la venganza un desengano la hiciera atreversetalves fueron las copas se lo andicho tanta gente o aquella escusa frecuenteo aquel refran de que la vida es solo una y ahi que vivir el presente.Un engaño, dos extraños jugando a quererceen lo oscuro el amor no puede vercees que tengas la vida de frente morir o detente.Un engaño, dos extraños jugando a quererceen lo oscuro el amor no puede vercees que tengas la vida de frente morir o detente.De nada vale llorartan solo queda volarsolo espande tus alas coje vuelo y no vuelvas masDe nada vale llorartan solo queda volarsolo espande tus alas coje vuelo y no vuelvas masY vuela,vuela,vuelaY vuela,vuela,vuelaVuela, angelito vuelaque ya no me quedamuchas horas de vida desde tu partidaangelito vuela, angelito vuelaque tampoco te quedamuchas horas de vida marque tu partida, angelito.Esta es la historia de dos enamoradosde dos soñadores, de dos amantesque permitieron que tan solo un minuto de su vidadecidiera el resto de la misma.Ironico el momento en el que el amorse combierte en muerte.....que descancen en paz.Vive la vida minuto a minuto,y encontraras en cada uno de ellosun motivo por el cual conducirteen las forma correcta.Te lo aseguro.


i am not really big on movies i like the lame girly movies like bring it on and mean girls that must be the gay boy in me hahaha


dont really watch tv that much between work and the never ending party called life i dont really have time ...but when i do watch tv i like to watch mtv and logo the channle for gays aka the gay channle



My Blog

trust your gut feelings about it!

"If you ever have a doubt in your mind always trust your heart because your heart will never lie.. and dont ever give someone your everything if you have any doubts about them..... remember ...
Posted by Will.I.aM on Wed, 28 Feb 2007 01:23:00 PST

Thoughts of him

so tell me why i have been having such bad nights? tell me why i keep wakin up in the middle of the night with tears running down my face? cause i keep having the same dreams of him ... tell me why i ...
Posted by Will.I.aM on Thu, 01 Feb 2007 12:55:00 PST