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Talk to me people............

About Me

The Name is Jared, i'm a phlebotomist at our local hospital where i live.To tell you the truth, i never knew what a phlebotomist was untill i started here, so for those of you like me and are new to the word, all it is.... is a another fancy word for a person that draws your blood for a living. I am also the lead singer for a band called SAVING ABEL www.myspace.com/savingabel Ive been drawing blood for about a year now, but i have been singing since a i was little.I really like my band i really like my band mates, and i really love getting up on stage and having the crowd giving you enough feedback that it blows the mohawk out of your hair. Its really a fun job, Although its also tough, traveling so many miles... doing a show at some bar, singing and performing your ass off then going back home spending more money on gas to get up there than you take home from the show. But, thats neither here nor there, my opinion is if your truly love what you do it shouldnt matter what you get paid.(As long as you look good doing it!!) ha ha!! I have two dogs..1. is a pug that i have had about 6 years his name is Pugs. I also have a yellow lab named Penny Lane, (my girlfreind loves the movie Almost Famous) Speaking of which I also have a girlfriend named rebecca, i call her bec bec for fun. I have a younger brother Joseph and an older sis, (Heather) and a great Family. every one of them is into what i do musically and support me any way they can. Im very fortunate to have people behind my back like that. My whole town of Corinth seems to love what we do they like our music and of course i always give credit where it's due so thanx to all you in Corinth who come to our shows and show us the support we need to keep beleiving in our dreams
I edited my profile with Thomas? Myspace Editor V3.6 !
I edited my profile with Thomas? Myspace Editor V3.6 !

My Interests

Biggiest intrest is Music, I am currently a lead singer for a band called Saving Abel.

I'd like to meet:

I would definately like to meet Kenny Wayne Shapherd, Steven Tyler. Sevendust and Incubus, Jonny Cash (if he was still with us God rest his soul) Brad Arnold from 3doors down, Samuel L. Jackson, and Jada Pinkett Smith (oops I already met her HA HA HA!


Audioslave Definatley. Incubus, Sevendust, Jonny Cash anyday of the week. William Hung (ha) Saving Abel (ha ha) Finger 11, Fuel, Puddle of Mudd, Story of the Year. Stevie Ray Vaughn, Jimi Hendrix, Charlie Daniels Band (Thanx Carolyn) 3 doors down, Also Rage Against the Machine is great. Oh My God and some Pantera Please. Non point, and last but certainly not least................. Ladies and Gentleman.......... Hansonid='Title' style='font:bold 11px verdana' FACE TO FACE (LIVE) (Sevendust)

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Bad Boys I and II, Austin Powers I, II, III. A knights Tale, Incubus Alive at Red Rocks, Sevendust Southside and Doublewide. Halfbaked, Nepolian Dynomite!!! American History X, Debbie Does Dallas, Scarface, Man on Fire and just about every other Denzelle Washington movie. Pulp Fiction, Jackie Brown, Resivoir Dogs, Dogma, Muppets Take Manhattan, Scooby Doo, Shawshank Redemption, Ice Age, Harold and Kumar, Any movie w Samuel L. Jackson He's the man dammit!!! Final Destination I and II, Scary movie I, II, III, National Lampoons Christmas Vaction. Happy Gilmore.


The Freaking Family Guy, Drawn Together, Dave Chapelle Show, Everybody Loves Raymond, Fear Factor, The Shield. Sesame street, The Simpsons, The best show ever........ That 70's Show and Pimp My Ride, oh and of course C.S.I.


Don,t read books but I will never turn down a Musicians Friend or Guitar World magizine. Maxim


Superman, Batman, and the F**cking Swamp Thing