jon's the name
A.E.R, i'm her problem now ;)♥.
best mates going(:
they are all amazing, would do anything for them.
i LIVE for laughter.
make me laugh i love you forever. (:
add me we'll talk(:
bizzle x
My Bestest friend^^
he is my Bestest friend and we have the best nights ever ;)
Weaner Ball FTW! i mean he is the guy i go for advice(:
no matter what happenes i know we will still be friends. (:.
i would kill for him he is like a brother to me.
i would fuck anybody up if they started on ross.
although i'm sure ross wouldn't need my help(;
he may be a Austrian jew bag (;but together we’ll save the panda (;
and get plenty of chipmonks on the way(:
/> Atticusj(;
My brother.
We are brothers.
i look up to him as a brother
He is why i am so cool now ;)
he is a geezer
and he would kick any of ya's ass (;
seriously he would.
he'd rip off your ear and feed it to you. xD
but he is a nice person (:
i swear xD
ya mom
this kid is a hero.
he makes me laugh all the time!
no matter whats gone down he can always cheer my up
honestly he is highlarious!!
he is one of my best friends(:
we seem to insult each other an awful lot but some of the things we come up with are queit rofl
he is legend(:
/> Liam(bunny rabbit)
Mr chuckle
Liam is pretty amazing
he does make me laugh(:.
i mean i don't often talk to him outside school. but he really is a geezer(:
he really does know how to help people
we rep sociogly blad (;
we sit at the back talking about things on our mind (:
he insults me me for being allergic to oranges but I don’t care.
he always makes me smile and laugh always depend on him to listen and make me smile by the end of it (:
he is one of my best friends(:
/> Craig Austrian windmill palmer /> He has stuck with me through rough and smooth he is highlarious. xD
makes me crease like fuk
he is also one of my best friends
She has helped me through soem rough parts (:
she knows how to make me laugh ^^
she wants to shag my hair
and constantly insults me!
but she is one of my best friends(:
i mean i guess we havn't been talking THAT long.
but i mean we always end up chillin together(:
/> Amy-luna && Elliot Frank :')
My Heart, My Soul, My Passion.
i would do anything for this girl(:.
she is amazing!
she isn't just my girlfriend.she is one of my bestest friends
i don't want to ever loose her.
sometimes i wait down the clock till the next time i can see her
i love spending time with her
she makes me laugh x]
she always cheers me up. Everytime.
she surpports me in everything i do.
and makes me feel on top of the world(':
good girl friend? HEll YEAH!
i love her more than she will ever know. Jonathan willis <3 Amy rooney♥