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About Me

Sometime in late 2003, three mysterious, nefarious and shady individuals conceived of THISWAYUP.
The idea born as a response to the lack of bumpy house sounds in Sheffield, they set about bringing the concept in to reality through the cumulative power of their surely awesome promoting skills.', 'Many months and untold pub meetups later, a flawless plan was hatched: they would hire out a city centre venue on a Thursday night, pay top dollar for some underground house DJs no one had heard of, sit back and watch the cash roll in…. it couldn’t possibly fail.
It failed. After two initial nights at Orchis, one great and one not so great, the trio retreated, licking their wounds and sobbing in to their bank statements.
A new plan was needed, and was duly constructed: Less promotion, more music. The three waved goodbye to Orchis and commenced the shameless whoring of their musical wares to all and sundry. Enter any slightly fashionable West St. bar, and there you would find them, spreading the good word of high-quality house music to disinterested alcopop drinkers. Run into them in the street, and a mix CD would be thrust upon thee. Slowly, oh so slowly, interest increased, and THISWAYUP began to receive recognition for being purveyors of the finest quality housey cuts. As such, over the years THISWAYUP have lent their DJing skills to numerous Sheffield venues, and between them played alongside various pant-wettingly exciting international and domestic guest DJs.
Yet slowly, the time came: the collective once more needed something to call their own, somewhere to call home. But they would need guidance. A wise, learned mentor. It came in female form. And so the collective became four, and were ready to launch. These days, should you wish to find them, at The Everyone Centre they shall be, happily achieving their modest .. playing amazing house music loudly in a dark room for people to dance to. Join them, won’t you?
THISWAYUP is: Bumpy House Music, from the deep to the hip-snapping. THISWAYUP are: George Greenhall, Marcus Williams, Luke Ulas, CJ.

My Interests


Member Since: 11/22/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: Marcus Williams

Luke Ulas

George Greenhall


1. The Bald & The Beautiful - Bacon Chambers
2. Justin Martin - The Fugitive
3. Andy Caldwell - Warrior (Claude VonStroke Mix)
4. Troydon - Drop It (Chuck Daniels Egg Drop Mix)
5. The Martin Brothers - Stoopit
6. Gutterpunk - Up 2 11 (The Yank Remix)
7. The Fix - Medication Time
8. Timmy Vegas - Dutty Funk (Jonny Fiasco Mix)
9. Greenskeepers - Polo Club Part 2 (Derrick Carter Book Learnin' Dub)
10. Maskio - Monday
11. Aziz - Phenomenon
12. Claude VonStroke - Who's Afraid of Detroit (Tanner Ross Remix)

More mixes available from
Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: None