People Personality PersistenceThis is where Brett Dillenberg has centered his energy, believing that people are the key to Platinum Capital Group’s success; a positive, generous personality is the key to its healthy culture; and persistence is the key to building and growing a flourishing business from scratch.Four years after graduating from USC, Brett co-founded Platinum Capital Group, taking it to stratospheric heights within its first decade. What began as a single office operation has now evolved into a 7-office, 325 employee companywide concern, funding just under $2 billion last year and aiming for $2.5 billion this year. Under Brett’s leadership, Platinum Capital Group has become a major force in the mortgage banking and brokerage arena.Married, with three young children, Brett is actively involved in his community and his commitment to “giving backâ€. His entire family participates in charitable endeavors both locally and in foreign countries. Their efforts serve as a reminder that there is enormous value in helping others.