Drums, Guitar, Song Writing, Singing, Sound Work, Recording Studio Engineer Work, Photography, Walking, Cycling, Listening to Music, Electronics, and Amateur (Ham) Radio.
Christian Musicians who like to "ROCK WITH THE FLOCK AND JAM WITH THE LAMB". And hopefully a Gal that would do the same (GOD be willing). ================================================ "DID YOU KNOW THAT THE ANSWER TO MOST PEOPLES PROBLEMS IS FOUND ONE INCH BELOW THEIR NOSE!"
PETRA, Sonic Flood, Kutless(worship), Chris Tomlin, Mark Schultz, Lincoln Brewster, Mercy Me, 4 Him, Sierra,(and some secular):JOURNEY, Foreigner, Boston, Bon Jovi, Heart, Bryan Adams, Def Leppard, Nickelback, Chris Doughtry, Shania Twain, Carrie Underwood, TRANS-SIBERIAN ORCHESTRA (Rock Orchestra).
Star Wars, Superman, Spiderman, Star Trek, Back To The Future, X-Men, The Matrix, (I should of wrote some SCI-FI). JESUS OF NAZARETH, THE TEN COMMANDMENTS, LEFT BEHIND SERIES, THE PASSION (religion), AND ROMANTIC COMEDIES (my favorite).
Smallville, The Batchelor, American Idol, Dancing with the Stars, some SCI-FI, and comedies.
The HOLY BIBLE, daily devotionals, (and any other book that helps me get it right).
My Lord & Savior Jesus Christ, And also anyone who helps me to get it right (especially a Gal to light my fire).