KICKBOXING event in East L.A. and Cuauhtemoc is there! Check out our Trainer Maria Morales at work ! ..
the danza CHACHAYOTES ..
WE FOUND A PLACE !! Beginning Thursday January 10th , we have another INDOOR location. From 7-8:30pm we will be practicing at Rose Hills Rec Center in El Sereno.
at 4530 mercury road
Near the corner of Huntington Drive and Monterey Road. Between Eastern and the corner where Huntington Dr, Soto St, and Mission Rd split off.
We will still keep practicing From 5pm to 6:30pm on Tuesdays in outdoors in various locations whenever the weather, work, and transportation allows. But now we will have a backup plan. So there will be 2 places now. One inside and secure, and one outside when we can.
We follow Cuahtemoc rules, but all circles and nations welcome.
If you wish to attend just show up , but raise hand and ask for permission before entering the circle.
Children over 4 years will be asked to learn the rules and respect the circle , parents should help with this.
Drummers welcome but first need to ask permission before setting up as there are rules and beats which may be different than what is used to.
Experienced Danzantes more than welcome, but are asked to please respect the beginners and the rules of the practice.
General rule of thumb, follow the danzante leading the danza to the best of your ability. The movements may be different at times , but harmony is the key, anticipation of the next move, matching the movements though you may wish to completely do something else.
Wear clothing that is comfortable and gives the best mobility, there are times when we may do rolls , exercise, pushups, situps, etc, so dress prepared.
For questions and info and more detail, please call 323 833 1423 - Coyotl.
AUGUST 13, 1521
" Our Sun has gone down Our Sun has been lost from view and has left us in complete darkness But we know it will return again that it will rise again to light us anew But while it is there in the Mansion of Silence Let's join together, let's embrace each other and in the very center of our being hide all that our hearts love and we know is the Great Treasure. Let us hide our Temples our schools, our sacred soccer game our youth centers our houses of flowery song so that only our streets remain. Our homes will enclose us until our New Sun rises. Most honorable fathers and most honorable mothers, may you never forget to guide your young ones teach your children, while you live how good it has been and will be. Until now our beloved Anahuac sheltered and protected our destinies that our ancestors and our parents enthusiastically received and seeded in our being. Now we will instruct our children how to be good They will raise themselves up and gain strength and as goodness make real their great destiny in this, our beloved mother Anahuac."
- this sun has risen my people, its time to come back and dance in full view out under our sun once again.
LInks to other Cuahtemoc Practices and a small timeline of the contact at Tenochtitlan
Harmony Keeper Website and Info
Link to Cuahtemoc Ceremonies and dates to remember
the danza Paloma at the opening of kickbixinb gym dedicated that day to the owners of the gym and the property -our kickboxing coaches. ..
Dates to Remember (copied from other Cuatemoc site and author)
February - Cuauhtemoc Ceremony
Born February 23, 1501 in Ichcateopan
Celebrated 3rd Saturday of February in Danza Mexica Cuauhtemoc
Tzilacatiz found the remains of Cuauhtemoc and moved them to Tzompaneuahuith (province in Guerra), City of Ichcateopan. His birthplace. His remains were wrapped in the finest cloths and buried where his umbilical cord was buried. Cuauhtemoc died February 28, 1525 after being tortured. He was hung after being charged with treason by the Spanish.
March 11/12 - Mexica New Year Year 21 - The Mexica New Year could actually be some time before this date as evidence shows that there was as mistake made when the caledar was shifted in days. It is believed that the shift was done in the wrong diection.The facts: The Gregorian calendar was constructed to give a close approximation to the, which is the actual length of time it takes for the Earth to complete one orbit around the Sun. The was switched over to the Gregorian from the Julian starting in 1582, at which point the 10 day difference between the actual time of year and traditional time of year on which calendrical events occurred became intolerable. The switchover was bitterly opposed by much of the populace, who feared it was attempt by landlords to cheat then out of a week and a half's rent.However, when Pope Gregory XIII decreed that the day after October 4, 1582 would be October 15, 1582, the Catholic countries of France, Spain, Portugal, and Italy complied. Various Catholic German countries (Germany was not yet unified), Belgium, the Netherlands, and Switzerland followed suit within a year or two, and Hungary followed in 1587. Because of the Pope's decree, the reform of the Julian calendar came to be known as the Gregorian calendar. However, the rest of Europe did not follow suit for more than a century. The Protestant German countries adopted the Gregorian reform in 1700. By this time, the calendar trailed the seasons by 11 days. England (and the American colonies) finally followed suit in 1752, and Wednesday, September 2, 1752 was immediately followed by Thursday, September 14, 1752. This traumatic change resulted in widespread riots and the populace demanding "Give us the eleven days back!"
March 21 - Birth of Benito Juarez
Born in San Pablo Guelatao, Oaxaca, on Mar. 21, 1806, Juarez was the son of Zapotec Indian, who died when he was three. In his early years he spoke only his native Zapotec language and received no education. Juarez became a judge in 1841 and from 1847 to 1852 was governor of Oaxaca. As president from 1858, Juarez led the liberals to victory over the conservatives in the War of the Reform (1858-60) and began the nationalization of property owned by the Roman Catholic church. He was reelected president in 1867 and 1871, but his death on July 18, 1872, cut short his second term. He removed the Civil Powers AWAY from the catholic Church, even their properties. He stopped all payments towards of debt for 2 years to Spain, England and France. All 3 countries sent troops to Vertacruz, Mexico. Bonito made deals with Spain and England. They Left. France however, sent more troops and invaded Mexico.1864 France invaded with Maximilian under the authority of Napoleon III, who was from Austria.Bonito Juarez fled to the north and continued the resistance until 1867, when the Mexico won. Maximilian fell, over thourown. Then, Juarez was re-elected in 1871. Ceremony –Spirit of resistance and reform. Remembering he put into place a constitution on February 5, 1857.See Cinco de mayo for More info.
March 20/21 - Spring, vernal equinox
Around march 20/21 light and day is = to dark and night.
Time of renewal. Spring cleaning of negative energies gathered in the dark season.
As the newly reborn sun races across the sky, the days become longer, the air warmer and, once again, life begins to return to the land. Twice a year, day and night become equal in length. To the elders of the Old Way, these times, equinoxes, were markers in which seeds would be planted and then harvested. The first of these, the Spring or Vernal Equinox occurs on or about March 21st.
March 31 - Birth of Cesar Chavez
Cesar Estrada Chavez was born March 31, 1927 near Yuma, Arizona. In 1956, Chavez co-formed an organization for migrant workers’ rights which he called the National Farm Workers Association (NFWA). It was co-founded with Dolores Huerta. The name was later changed to the United Farm Workers (UFW). In 1965, Chavez and the NFWA led a strike of California grape-pickers to demand higher wages. In addition to the strike, they encouraged all Americans to boycott table grapes as a show of support. The strike lasted five years and attracted national attention. When the U.S. Senate Subcommittee looked into the situation, Robert Kennedy gave Chavez his total support. Cesar Chavez died on April 23, 1993.
March - Expropriation of Petroleum
April 10 - Death of Emiliano Zapata
Emiliano Zapata, (b. Aug. 8, 1879, Anenecuilco, Mex.--d. April 10, 1919, Morelos) was a Mexican revolutionary, champion of agrarianism, who fought in guerrilla actions during and after the Mexican Revolution (1911-17).
We honor General Emiliano Zapata because he was and is the symbol of those who fight for what they believe in to its ultimate end. The symbol of those who do not sell themselves. The symbol of those who resist. The symbol of those who do not surrender nor lower their flags.
April 30- Dia de los niños
In Mexico, el Dia de los niños is celebrated on April 30. On November 20, 1959, the United Nations met to reaffirm the universal rights of children and to celebrate, in each country, of the world it would consolidate the fraternity and the understanding among the children of the world. Also to provide activities that will develop the well being of children around the world. November 20, 1959 the United nations discussed Children’s Rights. Made rule that all nations should have 1 day to celebrate the children. Rest of World celebrated on November 20, Mexico on April 30.
May 5 - Cinco de Mayo
Cinco de Mayo is a national holiday in Mexico commemorating the Mexican Army’s defeat of French forces on May 5, 1862, in the Batalla de Puebla (Battle of Puebla). During the battle, General Ignacio Zaragoza led the vastly outnumbered Mexican army to victory over the French forces of Emperor Napoleon III. The triumph of Mexican forces at the Battle of Puebla became a symbol of Mexican unity and patriotism. The French invated with 7000 troops against the 2000 Mexican troops. The war started a year before.At this time,Neopolian III and france was considered a world Power, and they were just defeated by 2000 Mexicans. This was huge and inspired the people to continue.
May 12 (in mexico) - Mother’s day ceremony
This was celebration was believed to have originated from ancient Greece, Rhea, the wife of Cronus, and mother of Gods and Goddesses, was worshipped. In Rome too, Cybele, a mother Goddesses, was worshipped, as early as 250 BC. However, in Mexico, el dia de las madres is celebrated on the 12th of May, honoring mothers. We honor this day, in honor of Tonantzin, our mother the earth, which gave all creatures life.
July - Xilone Ceremony
Celebration and honor of the Corn.
2nd Saturday in July for Minnesota and 3rd Saturday of July in Los Angeles, California
? May - Noche Triste
While the Mexica were in festival, with the Spanish in attendance, the Spanish attacked the Mexica and lost miserably. Hernan Cortez was not there when this happened and when he returned he cried. So to the Spanish this is the “Sad Nightâ€.
August 12/13 - Day of Resistance
The day Cuauhtemoc gave himself to the Spanish. This marks the beginning of Mexica Resistance against Hernan Cortez and the colonization of the Indian race and identity. We must know the true story about how and why Cuauhtemoc gave himself to the Spanish on this day.
September 16 - Mexican Independence
Independence from Spain. Miguel Hidalgo and Castilla, both Priests, in the town of Dolores, Hildalgo asked the people to join and fight. He rallied the people. In his speeches he said things like:
Reclaim the land taken over 300 years ago. Death to the Spaniards and Long Live the Vigen de Guadalupe.In 1 month 50,000 troops were formed, mostly Indigenous and poor.
By October 30, 1810 – 80,000 troops
Now on edge of DF, ready to attack, but retreated. He was captured and executed. His head was on a stick for all to see.
His death angered the people more. In the end, many joined the revolution and the people won. Augustine, named himself Emperor of Mexico. Beginning a new era of struggle for the people of Mexico.
October 12 - Anti-Columbus Day, Dia de la Raza, Indigenouse Peoples Day, etc...
We must remember that the lies of Columbus has had major effects on this Continent and today we must tell the truths about what he did, and moreover, how the world benefited off the lives of all our people. He was a killer, not a hero.
November 1 & 2 - Dia de los Muertos
This ceremony used to take place around July/August but was changed by the Catholic church. To be with All Saints day and All Hollows Night.A ritual known today as Dia de los Muertos, or Day of the Dead.
The ritual is celebrated in Mexico and certain parts of the United States, including the Valley. Although the ritual has since been merged with Catholic theology, it still maintains the basic principles of the Aztec ritual, such as the use of skulls. Today, people don wooden skull masks called calacas and dance in honor of their deceased relatives. The Aztecs and other Meso-American civilizations kept skulls as trophies and displayed them during the ritual. The skulls were used to symbolize death and rebirth. The skulls were used to honor the dead, whom the Aztecs and other Meso-American civilizations believed came back to visit during the month long ritual.
Unlike the Spaniards, who viewed death as the end of life, the natives viewed it as the continuation of life. Instead of fearing death, they embraced it. To them, life was a dream and only in death did they become truly awake. However, the Spaniards considered the ritual to be sacrilegious. They perceived the indigenous people to be barbaric and pagan.
In their attempts to convert them to Catholicism, the Spaniards tried to kill the ritual. But like the old Aztec spirits, the ritual refused to die.
December 12 - Dia de la Virgen de Guadalupe / Dia de Tonanzin tlali
There are many lies about this holiday. We search for truth. But in the end, we maintain that we have never forgotten our real mother. On December 9, 1531, Juan Diego crossed the barren hill called Tepeyac to attend Mass. He was brought to a sudden halt by a blinding light and the sound of unearthly music. Before him appeared an astounding vision--a beautiful dark-skinned woman who, calling the Indian "my son,". She told Juan Diego it was her desire to have a church built on Tepeyac hill, and asked him to relay that message to Bishop Juan de Zumarraga. On December 12, while rushing to find a priest to attend a seriously ill uncle, he took a short cut across the hill. The Virgin once again appeared and Juan Diego told her of the Bishop's request. The Virgin instructed him to pick roses from the usually sere and desolate hill and deliver them to Zumarraga as the sign. Juan Diego gathered up the miraculous blossoms in his mantle and hurried off to complete his mission. Once again before the Bishop, he let the roses spill out before him. To the wonder of all assembled, a perfect image of La Virgen Morena (the Dark Virgin) was revealed emblazoned on Juan Diego's cloak. By order of the Bishop, a small church was soon constructed on the site designated by the Virgin. Skeptics are quick to point out the unlikely coincidence of the Virgin's appearance on Tepeyac, the very site of an Aztec temple dedicated to Tonatzin (earth godess, mother of the gods and protectress of humanity) which had been devastated by order of Bishop Zumarraga. This day dedicated to La Virgen de Guadalupe throughout the nation, millions of the faithful will gather December 12 for processions, prayers, songs, dances, and fireworks to honor "La Reina de México" (the Queen of Mexico).
December 31/January 1 - Zapatista Ceremony/ Celebration
We come together to remember why the Zaptistas Up-Rise against the Mexican government. We teach ourselves and seek more energy to win. We recognize that we have our own front to fight up here, where we live. Locally, regionally, and nationally.