"Fortune Teller" is a horror film about a girl, Esmeralda, who buys a fortune telling machine at an .. auction. The mechanical puppet inside this machine turns out to be possessed by an evil spirit who turns Esmeralda’s life into a living hell, landing her in jail and even having her committed to a mental institution before we reach the shocking and unexpected conclusion of the story!The lead part of Esmeralda is being played by Sarah Swofford (Sugar Creek, Winter Wood). EDWIN NEAL (Texas chainsaw massacre) plays Sam the Seller. Angela Ware (Grind House, Room Of Ghosts) plays the part of the Homicide Detective, with Kit McGuire (Sin City) and Jeff Cooper (Abberdine County Conjuror, Demon Board) as the Psychiatrists in the Mental Institution.Frank Erdman (Demon Board) plays Esmeralda's boyfriend. and Katrina Ellsworth (House of the Demon, Demon Board) as a mental patient in the institution.Also appearing in this film is Marisela Orozco (Demon Board) who has her fortune told, but is not very pleased with what she finds out about her husband and the girl in apartment 321!This particular fim is sort of a psychological horror film, all though there will be some pretty gruesome, and graphic, violence in some scenes when a serial killer captures a beautiful victim and begins to torture her!
This is being filmed partially on location in the Austin area and partially at our studio in the North Lake Travis area. Below are some photos from the first cast/crew get together!
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