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Your true colour is yellow! You're yellow, the colour of joy and energy -- two things you definitely bring to everyone around you. It's hard for anyone to be sad or lonely in your presence; your sunny disposition and cheery outlook just won't allow it. The warmth of your personality shines through in the kindness you show friends and family (and strangers, too). Always ready with a lighthearted joke or heartfelt compliment, you know how to make people feel good about themselves, so they can't get enough of you. Yellow is a warm and inviting colour for a warm and inviting person -- you!Glittery texts by
name? aNaDeL t. mAnLa
do you have a nickname? aNnE - aNa
birthday and birth place? JaNuArY 31, 1979/ oLoNgaPo CiTy
current location? oLoNgaPo CiTy
eye color? BrOwN
hair color? long or short? BlAcK
height? 5 fT
batman or superman? sUpErMaN
what xmen would you want to be?(good or bad) d Gud 1
gummy bears or jolly ranchers? LoTz of GuMmy BeArs plz...
ever beat someone up? No 2 fRiEnDlY
ever had someone get beat up? No
when was the last time you lied? cant remember...
do you make your bed in the morning? Yes
when was the last time you called in to work? JuSt ThIs MoRnINg
have you ever cheated on someone? NeVer!!!
dogs or cats? PeDe Ba Po BoTh! :-)
what do you want to name your 1st born? LiLani (girl) LuCaS (Boy)
do you fake tan? No
do you fake anything? No
favorite holiday? SuMmER & ChRiStMaS
favorite color? BlUe,PiNk,GrEEn & YellOw
flowers or chocolate?(give or recieve)&..39;
ever break something and deny it? No
ever dropped your cell in the toilet? ooops... TwIcE SoRry Nay!
ever got caught doing the dirty? wHat DiRtY hahaha...
do you like to cuddle? VeRY mUcH Cuchie cuchie pao!
do you like to kiss even if it doesnt lead to sex? SwEEt LiTTLe KiSSes!
if had to choose, blind or deaf? bLiNd na lang...
you get along better with boys or girls? pEdE BoTh Friendly kc me eh :-)
favorite flower? Lilies N Tulips
at the moment, favorite song? Narda
dream job? i think i have it now
ever been heartbroken? yes...
ever left something on top of your car and drove off? no i dont have a car pa
sunrise or sunset? SuNsEt
dream vacation? always at the beach
favorite love song? im LearNing Utada Hikaru song (nakz! sample nga!:-D)
favorite alcoholic drink? light beer and baileys
are you a morning person? yes
how do you like your eggs? SunnY sIdE UP!
how do you like your coffee? w cream
jen or angelina? ANGELina
do you belive in love at 1st sight? yes ofcourse
when was the last time you cried? LaSt Nyt
your weakness? falling in love
your worst fear? the dark
best physical feature? i like my small feet
do you swear? nop
do you want to get married? YEs Ofcourse
do you like it when i rains? yes specially at night(sarap matulog)
mountains or ocean? OcEaN
what should you do more often? ReAdInG & InTeRnEt SuRfInG
what should we all make time for? pRoDuCtIvE, fUn n hELpInG oTher PeOpLe
what do you want to be when you grow up? to increase my height i guess hahaha...
what do you look for in a guy? im more into personality
what do people say about you? cute, malabing, smiling face and friendly
whats your obsession? ---
what did you have for dinner last night? i have pasta n chicken
do you have a jar that you put spare change in? no but i put my spare change in a big coffee mug
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