i'm kinda crazy. I'm into comic books *points to the book section* and cards(Magic(occasionally), Pirates, ummmm thats it i think) and goofy, geeky stuff(Read: D&D, Video games, MMORPGs.... umm anything on the internet ;p) LARP is my friend.. :P
WEb comics are AWESOME( Something positive, Queen of Wands, Penny and Aggie, CTRL ALT DEL, Misfile, Least I Could Do, Devil's Panties, PVP, Krakow studios... umm looking for more....)
I get to go back to school too!!!!! yay!!!! school = good.
I work at Dibbz!!! and Louisiana Pizza Kitchen Uptown
Lauren Anne --
Sexually stunning
'How will you be defined in the dictionary?' at QuizGalaxy.com
My Interests
I'd like to meet:
people who give good hugs, there seems to be shortage of those in my life right now.