SLEEP!!!!, camping, hiking, swimming, diving, baseball, softball, drag queen hunting, reading, traveling, movies, CSI, watching sports, cleaning my room, rock climbing, fishing, photography, music, eating, silly string
Randy Johnson My kids Boyz II Men Another Aboriginee More people in towson, maryland because i have no freinds my age close by to hang out with
Everything. Theres not much I don't like or will not tolerate. My faves are definitely Boyz II Men... and I get to see them in concert!!!
Green Mile, The Notebook, anything with Adam Sandler, Will Smith or Jim Carey, Free Willy, LOTR, The Village, Signs, Harry Potter, Crimes and Misdemeanors, Wedding Crashers, The Matrix, Tomb Raider, 12 Angry Men, Star Wars, X-Men, Boondock Saints, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, The Man from Snowy River, Ladder 49 and most reasonable chick flicks
Desperate Housewives, Brothers & Sisters, How I Met Your Mother, Two and a Half Men, CSI:Miami, House, Criminal Minds, Greys Anatomy, CSI, Punkd, Mind of Mencia, the news
Peace Like A River, HARRY POTTER!!!!!! Traveling Mercies, Walk Two Moons, Myst, The Relationship Cure, anything by Harlan Coben or David Pelzer
My mom - i know we didnt used to get along, but everyday i see how much i am just like her and how much i appreciate everything she does for me.My step-mom - kathy you are the greatest second mom anyone could ever ask for. I dont know how i got so lucky to find such an understanding person that accepts you no matter what.Brad - where do i start? You are my hero. You believe in things that I could never be strong enough to even think about and you live it everyday. I respect you so much... even though i make fun of you for being younger than me you have taught me so much. You are mature beyond your years and i hope i keep learning from you for a lifetime to comeMy grandfather - the first man in my life, my first hero. I am convinced that no one knows more than you. I would be one screwed up kid without such wise and patient guidance. I owe you my life.Randy JohnsonBill GatesBatmanAngelina Jolie ..