The Things They Say Are Just Word Of Mouth.
Yo. Never use myspace anymore but ocassionally come on to check out whats newwww.
I like sunshine and summer and parties and boys and hot boys more and snowboarding and dc's and orange fanta and mars delights and grapes and twister ice lollys and days with danielle and days with others and nights with people and the cinema and coke, full fat coke not that shitty diet crap.
I like texting, i like texting late at night when im in bed, i do it a lot. I like playing guitar with alex :P. I like hoolihan hotels, tuss fests, and jonto's. I like postsecret, i have checked religiously for p much two years, i like using "p" instead of saying pretty. I love siavash. o la vash.I like talking to rob armistead about stuff, and i like my job, i like it when people ask for tax refunds and i say no :) I like being excited for london and sixth form. I like new people, so much :) i like that every year i say this summer is going to be the best one yet, and then making a competition to beat last summer, which gets harder every year because every summer i have is amazing, i spent last years in towcester and milton keynes, and the year before with older people and this year, its brackley as the plan stands, but if these new people come through, who knows?! i like that i no longer have a care for anything, i like that i really dont give a shit anymore and im just gonna have fun :) if its not fun? im not near it :) no more sorting out arguments, if they argue with you in the first place, its not worth it. :)
I love that im finally free after being tied down so long, it feels so good :D
I like that at hannahs party i danced all night until it got to quiet time and me rob and jordan had so much fun (Y). I like that im going to weymouth with the best people in the world this summer and im going to have the most fun i have ever had. I like that when it rains i get into bed to be cosy. I like that cuddles are my favourite thing. I like that i know who my homies are, who they were, and who they will always be. I like it when i feel thrills. I like the thorpe park saw ride with dani, I also like quening behind the most fucked up people ever for two hours, then sitting on the floor for a while :) I like the water ride and putting my coat on backwards so i had to put the hood up over my face :( I like jeans, but lately, im a dress person, its all about the dresses :)
I like that i could type this for aaaages and never stop, i like that i dont have anything to not like because everything i never used to like is g-o-n-e forever :D
I like how excited i am for my life, and i like that at hannahs i had the most fun id had in months, i like that i am the old school ruth and she's not going anywhere this time. not now, not ever, you got her, you missed her :)
I like that lately im listening to gangsta music because my caraknows, thats what i am really, a gangsta on the inside (Y).
..I like that i will loe patrick for the rest of my life because he's been there since forever. I like that i have forgotton how long this is and that you probably arent reaidng anymore :) CHOW for now my bruvs_______________________________________