the answer to your question... garageband.
"broken toy airplanes sounds really cliche."
"i am really cliche."
let's put our differences aside, and just enjoy the true love expressed in music.
im a small town girl living in a lonely world.
i really am 15, and it creeps me out when 23 year olds hit on me.
i dont care much about my popularity, but i do like making new friends.
i honestly am not making music to make money or anything,
this is my only door of hope for expressing my TRUE feelings.
everything you hear me say is a metaphor from my bitter heart about the pastimes ive had.
i hope you find my music pure, enjoyable, and truthful.
my page is not for advertising your band, "photography" page, or anything of the sort. people who spam or anything will be blocked, and their comment will be deleted. want me to post a bulletin for you? chances are, if you ask, i wont do it. if you comment me and i like your music, i might.
i have lost much if not all respect for bands that use that software that adds people from other bands pages. your making yourself look like a wannabe-famous dipshit, and annoying the shit out of people who dont like those either. its shallow, and pardon me for being a bitch about this, but jesus christ, if you want to be famous just record a video of you doing dirtys with someone and put it on youtube.