if you no anyone who has been affected by abortion and would like some help, come straight here!
all questions will be answered within 48hours!
women and young girls should HAVE THE CHOICE!
But this website has not been made to discuss whether abortion is right or not, but is here to help women make the choice.
i also want to encourage any men who have been through an abortion with their partner, relative etc.
ANYONE can come here for help!
whatever you age, gender, circumstance, opinion.
1) around 160,000 abortions are performed in England and Wales every year
2) The 1967 Abortion Act
Under the 1967 Act, which covers England, Wales and Scotland, abortion is legal in certain circumstances. Women do not have the right to abortion on request. Two doctors (normally your own GP and a hospital gynaecologist)
have to agree that you are entitled to an abortion under the grounds of the Act. This applies to both the NHS and the private sector.
The law states that you can get an abortion if continuing with the pregnancy would involve:
risk to your life
risk of injury to your mental and physical health
risk of injury to the mental and physical health of your existing children
substantial risk that the child would be born severely mentally or physically handicapped
These grounds can be interpreted quite widely, depending on your doctor's views on abortion. Some may be very unhelpful, others very helpful.
3) The 1990 Amendment
The Abortion Act 1967 was amended in 1990 by Section 37 of the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act.
The main change is that there is now an upper time limit of 24 weeks for legal abortion.
4)For Those Under 16 Years
Women over 16 years do not need their parents' consent to have an abortion.
If you are under 16, you normally need your parents' consent. However, the law does say that a girl under 16 can give consent
to her own treatment if her doctor considers her to be mature enough to make the decision. But very few doctors
are prepared to give medical treatment under these circumstances.
* http://www.abortionfacts.com/ADD ME ON [email protected] are two clinics in the UK which deal with abortion, unless you go through a private clinc, which can cost you anywhere around £300. There is one in Stockport, Manchester. And the other one is in Birmingham. They are the ons i no of in the north and midlands, if you do no of any others, please let me no.