NURSING is my LIFE and at the same time ENJOYING LIFE!! FIGURING OUT what works BEST for ME! GOODtimes&moreGOODtimes. SHITS&GIGGLES. DANCING. singing. VINTAGE EVERYTHING!! MUSIC. SEX~theMENTALemotionalPHYSICAL~goodSEX. WORKINGout. boysWHOcanROCKitONtheDANCEfloor. boysINhoodies. spOOning. pajamas. PILLOWS. SWIMMING. BIGpuffyANIMALslippers. WEIRDfreshTHINGS. HOOKAHlounges. ARTS&CRAFTS. kickBOXING. ToysRUs. warmRAIN. theGAP. ButterFLIES. randomADVENTURES. GOOFINGoff. SNOWBOARDING. traveling. beaches. SUNRISES. SUNsets. stories&storyTELLING. SESSIONSinmyGARAGE. NEWPORTS. VELCROshoes. SHELLS. toys. theDISCOVERYstore. tha70s. playingPOOL. MUSIC. handHOLDING. kissesTHATmakeMYbodyTINGLE. SigmaALPHAphi. PledgeSisTorDAYSout. webSURFING. Poker~TexasHold'Em. rollerblading. *STARS* kickin'IT. partying. BLOCKBUSTERnights. hotTOPIC. raspberryICEDtea. driving. stawberryICEcream. burgers&fries. LIPgloss. enchantedTHINGS. THEundescribableUMMP. TATOOS. Pictures. FUNKYjewelry. notepads. JOURNALS. deepTHOUGHTS.
A show of my life....Get Your Own! | View Slideshow
MUSIC IS AN INTEGRAL PART OF MY LIFE!!! MUSIC IS AUDIO LITERATURE! HOUSE house HOUSE in every SHAPE & holds the key to my HEART NeophuckinSOUL. OLDskoolJOINTS. undergroundHIPhop. breaks. DOWNtempo. GARAGE. SUMcommercialISH~only4thaBEATS~sumLYRICSsoundLIKEgarbage. TripHop. FUNK. Jazz&Blues. Acid Jazz. sOUL. Dancehall Reggae. alternative. DisCo.
The Lion King*it came out on my birthday* THE WEDDING DATE. Last American Virgin. Sixteen Candles. Weird Science. Pretty In Pink. The Goonies. Dirty Dancing. Serendipity. Love Jones. Brown Sugar. Practical Magic. The Little Mermaid. Centerstage. Charlie's Angels 1 & 2. What A Girl Wants. Down To You. Half Baked. Gone in 60 seconds. Snow White & the Seven Dwarfs. Waiting 2 Exhale. Finding Nemo. Monsters, Inc. Love&Basketball. The Notebook. The Mummy & The Mummy Returns.
Nanny. Everybody Loves Raymond. Law&Order:SVU. Made. Behind the Music. Simpsons. Family Guy. Futurama. WorldpokerTournaments. The Dave Chapelle Show. Ren&Stimpy. Cold Case Files. ScoobyDoo. SexintheCITY. Inferno. TheREALworld. house. ER.
I LOVE BOOKS!! In the Meantime. AstrologyBOOKS. The Cantebury Tales. SOULMATES. Beowolf. Dante's Inferno. GreekMythology. Shakespeare. Anything by Mary Higgins Clark and Anne Rice. Survivng your 20s with SAVVY, soul, and STYLE. Yesterday I Cried. The DaVinci Code.
*~GOD, My FAMILY, MOM&DAD, myBraDer...though sumtimes he can be mean and he's younger...he still watches out for me (how GAY!!) and the BombASS ALPHA CLASS....without them I would truly be LOST! They have picked me up, saved me, supported and believed in me! Who couldn't ask for better HEROES~*