SPORTS: volleyball,,badminton,,swimming,,basketball.... i like to go new friends...bOnding with my it!!
E V E R Y O N E!!!!
pUre r&b and hiphOp...
bruCe aLmigHty,,freAky friDay,,juSt Like heavEn,,texas cHainsaw,,amityviLLe,,exorcist,,the cave,,jeepers creeperS,,saw 1 and 2,,ice princeSs,,meet the Parents,,meet thE fOckerS,,americAn pie,,constantiNe,,hotcHicK,,,mR. aNd Mrs. sMith,,50first dates,,into the bLue,,if onLy,,windstruck,,princess diaries1 nd 2.,underworLd,,kiLLing me softLy,,LongeSt yaRd,,the day ater tom.,,hArry pOtter,,fast and the furious,,a waLk 2 rememBer,,jAckaSs,,Bring it on,,briNg it on agen,,sPiderman,,dude where's my car,,Scary movie,,matrix,,my sassy girL,,white chicks,,mean girLs,,shes the Man,, =
the vinci code....5 people you meet in heaven....the lost boy....a child called it...tuesdays with morrie...