Bek profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

I'm Texan Now! I absolutely love it here.Here's some random facts about me: I like physical activity. I like to be outside. I love food and everything to do with it. I have two cats: Guiness and Avagadro. I played Rugby in college and would love to continue to play if I can find a team nearby. I have very strong political beliefs, but don't worry I wont push them on you. I'm a redsox nut. I'm addicted to the weather channel and the news. My family and friends are the most important thing in the world to me. I love to travel, I would go back to Mongolia or Namibia in a heartbeat. I love to read. I will try just about anything once even if it terrifies me.I edited my profile with Thomas Myspace Editor V4.4 (

My Interests

RUGBY!!, reading, WPI, RedSox, being outside, climbing mountains, thunderstorms, Mongolia, travelling, food, chemistry, the alphabet, limes, different languages, the stars, pickles, tequila, Namibia, and just about everything else

I'd like to meet:

Some fun people in Texas to keep me company. Maybe Superman. And Papelbon :-)


everything and then some Sprung Monkey, Bad religion, adam Richman, Eve 6, Plain WhiteT's, deftones, Led Zeppelin, alanis morrisette, brandnew, finger eleven, 311, foo fighters, goldfinger, goo goo dolls, greenday, incubus, johnny cash, metallica, jimmie's chicken shack, jimmy eat world, lost prophets, pink floyd, something corporte, shootyz groove, whitesnake, yellowcard, weezer, pressure 4-5, offspring, dipatch, OAR, whitesnake, new found glory, stabbing westward, guster, lost prophets, the urge. THE BODY ELECTRIC, every band which happens to contain one or more of my friends


Walk the Line, 10 things I hate about you, office space, the breakfast club, GI jane, Dodgeball, Eurotrip, Murderball, Transformers, and more


the news, baseball, House, scrubs, the weather channel


This list could go on forever: Harry Potter, The perks of being a wallflower, Smashed, Who moved my cheese?, My sisters keeper, 5 people you meet in heaven, sex life of cannibals, Doomsday book, Catcher in the rye, lord of the flies, Grapes of wrath, Anything by Dr suess, the book of bad hair, hitch hikers guide to the galaxy, Poisonwood bible, anything by dean koontz or stephen king, A million little pieces, anything non-fiction, and pretty much anything else I can get my hands on.


all the guys in Murderball, my friends and family, superman, the guy who invented tequila, Dean Kamen (yeah I'm a nerd) and of course....jason varitek

My Blog

New Car

Stella was my Jeep and I loved her dearly. I went through some very trying times with her and as weird as it sounds, I had a very close relationship with that car. She kept me and Julie safe when we f...
Posted by Bek on Sun, 09 Mar 2008 11:55:00 PST

short sited

Ok so here's my deal. I hate it when people don't examine an issue from all sides before forming a rock solid opinion of it. You don't look at yourself in the mirror only from the side and decide you ...
Posted by Bek on Tue, 08 Aug 2006 07:57:00 PST

other side of the world?

yes, my friends, if you haven't already heard I will be spending my summer in Mongolia. I will be payed to monitor the surface water outside of 2 major cities. Also, while I'm there I will become tota...
Posted by Bek on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

I finally caved...

I joined both Facebook and myspace tonight...after saying I wouldn't. I caved.
Posted by Bek on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST