In the early spring of 2004, two enthusiastic but very young and foolish boys (Hale & Farky) started to create music they thought was "cool". It didn't take long for them to find a drummer and a bass player, so they started to express themselves mainly through rough instrumental music. In the early of 2005, when flowers and trees started blossoming and birds started to sing, a filthy and hungry raccoon came and bit one of the guitar players. It was terrible. Guitar player thought that drummer was the one who bit his leg and that was it. A genius project broke into thousand pieces. Everything was lost. For a guitar player. The rest of the band continued to play but after a couple of months they realized they couldn't succeed without him, so they begged and begged him to return. Guitar man was so touched that he shared his most emotional moment of his life with the band. He told them a story about his dead dog Ivo. After couple of weeks they got tired of turbo folk music and they decided to create funk because in the alphabetical order funk is next to folk. They sensed that funk was the music of their life and soon they created few songs. For them everything was "cool", especially when singer joined them (Zoky). Because of his extremely "cool" vocal possibilities, they created their interpretation of Incubus songs. But in the beginning of year 2006, the evil raccoon came back and took life of their rhythm part of the band. Drummer and bass player were lost. Good thing was that they knew an another excellent drummer who agreed to join the band (Kuhar). Soon they were blessed with bass player and trumpet master (Terza & Ciki) who gave them the boost to create their own music. Today, the band plays with great joy and happiness. Although their hearts are extremely HC, they cherish happy, rhythmic, strange but soft psychadelic funk with elements of jazz, soul, drum & bass and heavy and not so heavy rock. Well, they like to think that. If you want to contact the band for play or just for a drink, e-mail them on their e-mail by mailing a mail to
[email protected] e-mail. Bye..