About Me

Though the salt does not praise itself that it tastes good, but for you coming by to check me out, I will definitely have something good and sweet to tell you about myself. I am a young pretty woman called Miss Sandra Adu, born in Kumasi – Ghana, I was also born as a twin and my twin sister’s name is Gifty Adu (very identical). Both of us are now living in Sydney Australia. At the age of 10yrs, I had already dreamt of who and what I will be in future: - (to be a successful business woman and to become a movie star ). As you are here now, can you please join me to give thanks and praise to God The Almighty, for granting me his free grace I needed and allowing all that I dreamt of becoming a true reality. My business “Blockout Fashion Boutique” has now turned to be the shopping center for both the local and the international people, ordinary and the celebrities in Adum Kumasi, Ghana. I am also proud to say that, my name Miss Sandra Adu (a.k.a Boga Silvia), has now become the sweet lolly in the mouths both young and adults, as well as all those who watch Ghanaian Movies, be locally and internationally. All started when in 2003 I had the chance to appear in my first movie acting in “HE IS MINE 1&2” starling as Cynthia in that movie. The door from there opened and had the opportunities to appear in the following movies as well, TUMI, EMERE DANE, OBAA PA, WO NYAMESOM MPO NI, and every body’s favorite KUMASI YONKO. Co- starling with stars like Adu Kofi (Agya Koo), Nana Ama Mcbrown, Kwaku Twumasi, Kwame Owusu Ansah, Katawere, Judas, Kofi Ajololo, Naana Hayford, Mercy Asiedu and many others gives me joy and also sums up to say that, indeed Sandra is now a movie star. Now!! Before you take leave from here and scroll down to read anything about me again, I will like to reveal a secret to you. Watch out!! Because the first movie under the Production ‘DOWN UNDER FILMS” from Australia, directed by myself (Boga Silvia) , and also the star attraction, is yet to hit your television screens soon. Just watch out, and you are yet to see more of Miss Sandra ‘Soul” Adu (a.k.a) Boga Silvia.

My Interests

When it comes to my interest, I believe you can even tell that acting and directing movies are undoubtedly my best. But it may either shock or interest you to know that, sitting in front of a computer and charting with thousands of friends like you from My Space, sometimes replaces my interest in doing movies.

I'd like to meet:

As my nick-name speaks for itself, I am the center point of all words of lives. So if you know you have life running through you, and surly believe that without me (SOUL) you are nothing, then why not I will like to meet you and become your friend. I never consider who people are and where you may come from.

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I have no barriers when it comes to listening to music. I enjoy all sorts of music most especially, gospel, hip-life, hi-life, reggae, R&B and many others


Been a Ghanaian and also a star in Ghanaian movies many times I choose to watch those movies, preferably those Adu Kofi (Agya Koo) appears in them.


My best Television shows are Style and Fashion shows, but sometimes watch talk and reality shows.


I am not all that good when it comes to reading of books. But my preference whenever I fill like reading are, The Holy Bible, Religious books, Fashion and Movie magazines, and sometime love reading Novels and Love books.


I have and will forever consider God the Almighty Creator as my number one hero. Because for me to be alive, and becoming who I am today is all by His grace and power. Moreover, I consider my parents as my heroes as well, for their immense contribution into my life. But I will never talk of heroes where I will forget to mention my dear twin sister Gifty’s name, she has been standing by me in all times, and see her as a big hero in whatever I am today. Oh! Did I mention someone by the name Helina, I guess no. Well in case you want to know, Helina has been a very good friend since our childhood. Anytime I needed her, she has been there for me. So what do you think she is to me, off course my big hero. But in my acting carrier, there are many people that I see as my heroes due to their supports. But I will take this opportunity to introduce very few who I see as inspirational. Mr. Adu Kofi (Agya Koo), Kwaku Twumasi, Nana Ama McBrown, and the sent ional Mercy Aseidu. Finally, this person I want you to know as another hero, has helped me in so many areas in my carrier, and consider him more as my adviser, biographer and some one who encourages me to push ahead when even things become too tough. He is in the person of Mr. Kaakyire Kwaku Asante.