friends, photography, testing the limits of interpersonal embarrassment, mechanics of an echo
Myspace asks the worst questions....But if I had to choose who Id like to meet, Id probably wanna meet Fergie. Maybe for dinner. And while she's at the table with me , Id excuse myself , so I could sneak into her car and take a shit in the back seat
Ani Difranco,Rilo Kiley,Kanye West,Straylight Run, Blindside, MC5, Bjork,POSTAL SERVICE,Get up Kids,25 Ta Life, Bouncing Souls,Brand New, Death Cab for Cutie,Johnny Cash, Weezer,Morphine,David Bowie, Tool, Magnetic Fields, Samiam, No Motiv,Slick Rick, De La Soul,Beastie Boys,Tom Waits, Pete Yorn, Ryan Adams, Portishead, Woodie Guthrie, Radiohead, Yea Yea Yeas, Dan Bern, P.J harvey,Elvis Costello to name just a few
BOONDOCK SAINTS, Big lebowski, clerks, mallrats, dancer in the dark, bowling for columbine, fargo, swingers, cabin boy, hapiness, life is beautiful, eternal sunshine, kill bill,Garden State, Baxter, Slackers.
As children we'd toggle the manual cable box between the dirty chanel and whatever was next. For hours, in the hopes of a clear miscolored breast. Things got easier, for better or worse
Books are lies.People write books because its easier to write a lie than it is to say a lie and get your ass beat..But I do adore a good lie.Some of my favs are...choke, survivor, forfucksake, mall, monster in a box, as i lay dying, hot water music, love is a dog from hell,the bluest eye,and you will know our veolcity, rape:a love story,senseless,perpetual war for perpetual peace, still life with woodpecker, take the canoli, fermata, Zinn on history,impossible vacation...Can you suggest a great one??
People who eat with their feet. Because they have to