Member Since: 20/11/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: Current Members:
Burnin L.-Vocals and Insults
John M.- Rythem Guitar and back up vocals
James The Terrible- Drums and shit talkin
David B.- Lead Guitar and back up vocals
Jack N.-Bass Guitar and Back up vocals
Doug Zilla died Friday Sept 12 2008
Seems he accidentally doused himself in the shit they make trick birthday candles out of, then fell asleep with a lit cigarette. By the time the Fire Department showed up he had melted through the floor of his trailer house.
So now we HAD a new guitarist.. he died too.
Jimmy K. Exploded Thursday September 25
he plugged his guitar in to a 4 pound lump of Plastic Explosive (C4) by complete accident... and blew the fuck up.
So now we have the replacement for the replacement of DougZilla
David Beeson... hopefully he dont die.
ANOTHER update....
ok you prolly just read that Doug accidentally died in a "shit they make trick birthday candles out of" situation.. Well turns out he had a twin brother, who knows our songs... DorkZilla will fill in on bass since Bucky Gooch checked out.
Bucky Gooch Died Satuday September 28th,
He lept to his death this past saturday night. He climbed high up on a step ladder (being the tallest thing he could find) and repeatedly jumped head first in to the concrete (17 times) before death snuck up and took him away.
Bucky was VERY depressed after finding out the nail on his left big toe would have to be trimmed before it tore through his sock.
Influences: Porn, Beer, and Bordom!
Sounds Like: the drunk loose band thats kinda fun
Record Label: Bourbon Legend Records
Type of Label: Indie