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I;d like to meet people who want to be saved,Act2:40 says Save yourself from this untoward generation.Rom12:2 says Be ye not conformed of this world but transformed by the renewing of your mind This is an invitation to come join us at Emmanuel Temple at 3318 Horne st Bakersfield Ca, sunday school service 9:30, morning service 11:00, evening service 7:00pm its more than confessing with your mouth, The bible says you must be born of water and of the spirit John 3:5. If you are a backslider, dont be ashamed,or afraid of what people might say. the word say God is married to the backslider, just come back, Repent for the remission of your sin, the activities of this world has nothing to offer but destruction for your soul.You have to know you "Cant live" without him,and for you to know that You have to be "Anchor in the Lord"and he has to be the "Center of your joy" You must know "If it hadnt been for the Lord on your side" where would you be? His grace is sufficient and his mercy is everlasting.For God is good and he's good all the time. Be grateful,appreciative, thankful, to God unchanging hand.he says he'll never leave you nor forsake you, trust in the Lord and lean not unto your own understanding.God is more generous than we could ever be or imagine. He came down off the throne in the form of man and gave his life, shed his blood then spread his unconditional love around to all who would believe, his holy spirit. read St John chapter 1,Praise the Lord! for he loves us so, he doesnt wont none to perish but to have everlasting life. take time this year to think about your soul, get it right i pray this for you, Come and be saved in Jesus name. I love the Lord he heard my cries so come on and "Love him like I do".