Rachel profile picture


Wii darts ruined me.

About Me

I love: Funky music, soul, Photoshop, robots, gadgets, projects, Google, the spark of a great idea, my Bedazzler, lists, good chi, Sock Creatures™, cooking, fluffy bedding, Sunday brunch, learning, Netflix, giant matte design books, cut flowers, DVRs, The Reverend Al Green (so much), the genius and/or passion of others, cute nerdy guys, cuddly fuzzy puppies aww…

Can’t stand: people who feel entitled, cats, waiting for the bus, bad cover songs, uninformed opinionated people, psycho drama girls, body image obsession, the death of independent businesses, pop up ads…

My Interests

family, friends, travel, flowers, google, cooking, photography, good music, eBay, sewing, Netflix, museums, architecture, feng shui, art, astrology, gadgets. Just ask, we probably have something in common.


Hendrix, Zeppelin, Clapton, Al Green, Aretha Franklin, Ella Fitzgerald, Nina Simone, Miles Davis, James Brown, Curtis Mayfield, Portishead, Prince, The Flaming Lips especially "The Soft Bulliten", D'Angelo, De La Soul, The Roots, Aesop Rock, Interpol, The Pixies, Iron & Wine, Elvis, Johnny Cash, Radiohead, Outkast, Duran Duran, The Cure, Devo, Tenacious D, Weezer, Tool, Fugazi, Coldplay (pre XYZ), Offspring, A Tribe Called Quest, B.L.X. Billie Holiday, Sinatra, Garbage, Handsome Boy Modeling School, Velvet Underground, Hooverphonic, Ray Charles, Black-Eyed Peas, Run DMC, Old School L.L. Cool J, John Legend, Modest Mouse, Paul Simon, Nirvana, Mos Def, Bob Marley, Muddy Waters, The Supremes, Otis Redding, Little Sonny, Marvin Gaye, Spearhead, Roberta Flack, Gladys Knight (the Pips too), The Shins, The Strokes, Elvis Costello, Liz Phair, Deathcab For Cutie, Powderfinger, Belle&Sebastian, Cher, The Postal Service, Neutral Milk Hotel, Built to Spill, Some of the Killers/ Franz Ferdinand, Elliot Smith, Ron Sexsmith, Black Flag, Gregory Isaacs


LET'S BE NETFLIX FRIENDS!!!!! Big Fish, Napolen Dynamite, The Big Lebowski, The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou, Fight Club, Snatch, The Boondock Saints, Adaptation, Jungle Fever, She's Gotta Have It, Almost Famous, Casablanca, The Doors, Dumb and Dumber, Edward Scissorhands, Reality Bites, Forrest Gump, Office Space, True Lies, Who Framed Roger Rabbit?, The Wizard of Oz, Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, The Breakfast Club, Death to Smoochy, Mallrats, Clerks, Chasing Amy, Dogma, Pretty Woman, The (original) Producers, Ferris Bueller's Day Off, Annie Hall, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, Blazing Saddles, any pre-Dalton Bond movie, Monsoon Wedding, Like Water for Chocolate, Serpico, Say Anything, Some Like It Hot, Barefoot in the Park, Amelie, Remember Me My Love, Eat Drink Man Woman, Brokeback Mountain, The Way We Were, Breakfast at Tiffany's, On the Waterfront, American Graffiti, Harold and Maude,South Pacific, THX1138, Bullit, Romancing the Stone, The Gods Must Be Crazy, Top Gun, Superfly, Spirited Away, North by Northwest, Heathers, La Dolce Vita...


I like shows that teach me new things or a twist on something I've done. I love the Food Network (come by for dinner!), DIY Network and Discovery Home, History Channel and TLC are really interesting too. My greatest TV loves will always be the classics like I Love Lucy, Mary Tyler Moore and Happy Days before Richie left. Southpark, 24, Sex and the City, Deadwood (ask me how to play the Deadwood drinking game), Mr. Show, Six Feet Under, Real Time with Bill Maher, Curb Your Enthusiasm, Queer Eye For the Straight Guy, Project Runway, The Adventures of Pete ad Pete, Invader Zim, Myth Busters. I like to watch them from the DVR because I can FF through the commercials.


The World is Flat, Feng Shui at Work, China Inc., Truman Capote's Complete Short Stories, The Feminine Mystique, Women by Charles Bukowski, Search Engine Visibility, Kitchen Confidential by Anthony Bourdain, 100 Love Sonnets by Pablo Neruda, A Room of One's Own, Tao Te Ching by Lao Tzu about Taoist philosophy, Call Me By My True Names, Where the Girls Are, Feng Shui at Work, Martha Stewart Living and Wired magazine. Check out Stupid Sock Creatures by my new friend John Murphy


People who stand up for what they believe in especially when it's not the popular thing to do.