Myspace Layouts at / Six feet under
1998 Heineken Art, Athens2001 Athens School of Fine Arts Graduates Union, Athens
2002 Athens School of Fine Arts Graduating Class
2000-2001, The Factory, Athens
2002 Travel through Art, Frissiras Museum
2002 Greek Artists, C. Christofis Collection, Athens
2003 The Frissiras Museum european painting award [ commended ]
2003 Visual Game, Athens, Academy of Thracian Art and Tradition, curator Y. Kolokotronis
2004 Anthropography, C. Christofis Collection, Academy of Thracian Art and Tradition, Xanthi
2004 In our image after our likeness, 60 years of Greek painting from the Frissiras Museum Collections, curator M. Halikia
2004 20 x 20, Gallery 7, Athens
2005 C.?. art garllery NICOSIA CYPRUS
2005 Have a Look, first solo exhibition, Gallery 7, Athens
2005 St.Nicolas Bay Auarium, curator Iris Kritikou , Creta
2005 Depo art project 21x21 Gallery 7, Athens
2006 To the colors of the rainbow E.P.Y.P.E., curator Iris Kritikou , Athens
2006 C.k. art garllery solo exhibition, NICOSIA CYPRUS 2007 Andros "Realia mundi" curator Athina SxinaWWW_THEOFILOSART_COM ......obj=new Object;obj.clockfile="0032-white.swf";obj.TimeZone="R1T";obj .width=230;obj.height=230;obj.wmode="transparent";showClock( obj);..