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Welcome to faeryland! ^_^

About Me

I'm just a crazy girl living in my own little swrilly world.My world has been changing very drastically and quickly this past year. Last September 2005 I went to England and met the best person that has ever stepped into and changed my life. Then in October 2005 I moved to Montana and worked there doing massage therapy in a chiropracter's office, which was fun and I loved it a lot. I miss those people already. Now I am back in my home town till the first week of July 2006 and then I am moving to Manchester, UK and getting married to the most wonderful person in the world. My life is crazy, but I love it and wouldn't change a thing!And things are changing even more now! We're taking a year off and leaving the UK May 30th, 2008 to go traveling! If you want to see what we are doing or where we are go here: http://www.getjealous.com/magickunicornmoonWish us luck! ^_^

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My Interests

Lots of stuff... lately... horses, massage therapy, reiki, belly dancing, traveling, books, anime and manga, and lots more fun and festive things!

I'd like to meet:

Yay for friends! ^.^


Well... the ones I can think of are... Enigma, Tori Amos, Tool, System of a Down, Loreena Mckennitt, Unfinished Thought, The Gathering, Linkin Park, Rasputina, Enya, Susperia, Lacuna Coil, Ra, Savage Garden, Frou Frou, Josh Groban, Norah Jones, Type O Negative, Rusted Root and when I remember their names (or just plain remember) I'll add more. hehe


Lord of the Rings (trilogy), The Vision of Escaflowne, Any muppet movie, The Crow, Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind, Practical Magic, Donnie Darko, Garden State, Pan's Labyrinth


Fraggle Rock (when it was on), Law and Order, CSI, Golden Girls, The Nanny, Men Behaving Badly (UK version)


Anything by Robin McKinley, Deerskin is my favorite book of all time! Prospero's Children is an amazing book by Jan Siegel as well... Lots of fantasy and sci-fi, alternative medicine/healing, natural houses and how they're made, religion and spirituality and probably lots more things that I can't think of right now... hehe